Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Is Anyone Really Surprised?

The anti-gun jihadists are out in force, making political hay over the tragedy in Kansas City.

For those of you not familiar with the story, a professional football player for the Kansas City Chiefs killed his live-in girlfriend (who was also the mother of his child) and then committed suicide, During halftime of the Sunday night football game, NBC sportscaster Bob Costas made a fool of himself on national TV by calling for more stringent gun control.
Whether people like Costas like it or not the facts speak for themselves: Murder rates consistently rise when guns are banned. This is not just a US phenomenon in places such as Washington, DC and Chicago, but has been observed worldwide. When guns are banned, even in island nations such as the UK, Ireland, and Jamaica, the pattern has been the same. The problem is that gun bans disarm law-abiding good people, not criminals.
What Costas and others of his ilk fail to realize is that blaming the gun for something like this is akin to blaming the football for an interception. A firearm is a tool - a neutral lump of metal. Like a hammer it can be used for good (to build something) or evil (to destroy something).

Compare the Kansas City incident to a similar recent event in Casper, Wyoming.
Police released more details Saturday of a grisly murder-suicide at a Wyoming community college, saying a man shot his father in the head with a bow and arrow in front of a computer science class not long after fatally stabbing his father's live-in girlfriend at their home a couple miles away.
An innocent woman was killed in both cases. The perpetrator committed suicide in both cases. In the Casper incident there was an additional victim. Yet there was no outcry to ban bows or knives after the Casper incident.

Why not?

Perhaps because bows and knives don't fit the liberals pre-established narrative...

For the most effective rebuttal to Costas, read this.
I see that you have chosen to use the horrific crime of the murder of Kasandra Perkins to express your belief that guns are the problem, not the men who wield them. I am utterly certain that you believe that you have the moral high ground on this matter. I am equally certain that such a belief is appallingly wrong, not to mention terribly misogynistic. Why do I say this? Because had your desires on gun control been in place, I would not be alive to be writing this now.
I didn't think it was possible, but I have even less respect for NBC than I did before...


  1. Excellent Post, and good points, Thanks!

  2. I heard this comment on Fox, I think, "Don't blame Costas, blame the microphone."

  3. NFO - I just wish people would listen with an open mind - and think about it.

    Harper - great point
