Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Traitor Or Prostitute?

New Jersey governor Chris Christie has announced he will seek reelection next year.

No big surprise there. The only surprise is that he is running as a republican, instead of formally switching parties and running as the sleazy democrat he really is.
His popularity surging because of his handling of Sandy, Gov. Chris Christie announced Monday that he will seek re-election...
His popularity may be surging among certain factions of the electorate, but not any factions that I give a damn about.
Bill Maher on Chris Christie: ‘I can actually embrace this guy’
Chris Christie gets another high-profile endorsement: MSNBC’s Chris Matthews
“Well, the man has style,” Matthews said.
The only style I see is that of a self-serving short-sighted political hack whose biggest concern is getting his fat butt re-elected.
His lavish praise for Mr. Obama’s response to the storm, delivered in the last days of the presidential race, represented the most dramatic development in the campaign’s final stretch. Right or wrong, conventional wisdom in the party holds that it influenced the outcome.
I don't think Christie's back-stabbing embrace of obama made the difference in the election -- the democrats stole enough votes to win without him -- but it revealed his true character.

Or lack thereof...


  1. Yeah, we'll see where he ends up... Might be interesting...

  2. IMO NJ would have gotten the same help in the same time frame without his sucking-up. Look at NY. Cuomo and Bloomberg didn't run around hugging obama, and they got the same thing NJ got.

    Minimal help that arrived late.

    One of these days, if I have the time, I'll do a comparison of the government's response to Katrina v. Sandy. I suspect the biggest difference will be the media's response...

  3. I never liked that tubb of goo as it was. He had a few good lines with the teachers union. That was about it.
