Thursday, November 29, 2012

RIP Maria Santos Gorrostieta

Finally, a politician with cojones.

Unfortunately for us, she's not American.

Read this story.

Read every sad, disgusting word of it.

Then thank your lucky stars that we live in a country that, no matter how much we despair, is still the envy of the rest of the world.
As mayor of the town of Tiquicheo, Maria Santos Gorrostieta defied the area’s drug cartels, once baring her scars from two assassination attempts to rally support for her war on drugs.

Last week her luck ran out.
Her body was found mutilated in a ditch this month, days after she was abducted.

Courageous Mexican mayor Maria Santos Gorrostieta cheated death twice when she survived assassination attempts by druglords — but three times was too much.

Gorrostieta, dubbed a “heroine of the 21st century” for her refusal to be cowed by the ruthless cartels that rule much of Mexico, was kidnapped in broad daylight this month after leaving her home in the town of Morelia.

Gorrostieta, mayor of the town of Tiquicheo from 2008 to 2011, had previously had a police escort and government security assigned to her.

But despite the two ambushes — which killed her husband and left her horribly scarred — her protection was pulled after she left office.

Five days after her disappearance, farm workers found Gorrostieta’s body — stabbed, burned and beaten — in a roadside ditch in the town of San Juan Tararameo.

Her relatives identified the body of the mother of three the next day.
Gorrostieta, a doctor who studied medicine in a university in Morelia, began getting threats after she ran for mayor of Tiquicheo and was elected as a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party in 2008.

She ignored the threats — at her own peril. In October 2009, her car was attacked by gunmen in the town of El Limone. Her husband, José Sanchez — who had escaped a showdown with an armed mob that year — died in the fusillade.

Gorrostieta was seriously wounded but soon returned to work, as defiant as ever.

Three months later, in January 2010, she was attacked again, this time on a road between the states of Guerrero and Michoacan as she headed to a meeting.

Gunmen with assault rifles fired 30 bullets at her van. Three hit her, leaving serious wounds. Her brother and a reporter were wounded.

After the second attack, she considered quitting — but couldn’t. She said she had an obligation to her town of 13,000-plus people as well as to the memory of her slain husband.

“At another stage in my life, perhaps I would have resigned from what I have, my position, my responsibilities as the leader of my Tiquicheo,” she said.

“But today, no.”

“It is not possible for me to surrender when I have three children whom I have to educate by setting an example,” she said.

“And also because of the memory of the man of my life, the father of my three little ones, the one who was able to teach me the value of things and to fight for them.”
She had to know what was coming, especially after her protective detail was cancelled. But she didn't run, she didn't hide. She carried on with her life. Her last act was to protect her daughter.
She was driving her daughter to school when thugs in another vehicle blocked her white van. They pulled her out and began kicking and beating her in front of passers-by.

The 36-year-old mother begged the men to spare her girl and appeared to get into the thugs’ vehicle voluntarily, witnesses said.
Here in the U.S. we see spineless politicians flip-flopping every day for their own benefit. I can count on the thumb of one hand the number of weasels currently in office that have the courage of their convictions - the willingness to stand and fight for what they believe in, regardless of the political consequences.

Much less any personal ones.

Gorrostieta has the same strength of character as our Founding Fathers. She pledged her life, her fortune, and her sacred honor to a cause she believed in. I like to think that they'll welcome her with open arms when she gets to heaven.

Now contrast that with this spoiled, elitist, arrogant SOB.
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) says members of Congress "earn" their $174,000 per year salary (plus benefits) and that this compensation is “not elaborate."

"The benefits and salary that we get, we earn," Johnson said at the Annesbrooks HOA Candidate Forum in Georgia in October. "It’s not elaborate, it’s just a bunch of poppycock that a lot of people have spread around trying to get us to hate our own government and our government representatives.”
Yeah, right.

Can you imagine that scumbag putting his ass on the line for a principle?

Me neither...


  1. Sad loss, and NO our idjits would never be willing (McCain and a couple of others aside) to do ANYTHING that would put their precious little asses in harms way...

  2. I read an article on Gorrostieta - an amazing person. I wish the world would take note of her courage and convictions.

  3. NFO - McCain, yeah, and one guy I really liked, and I think we'll miss - Col. Allen West.

    BB - She was a remarkable person. Too bad we don't have more like her. As for the world noting her courage, most people are too busy watching Honey Boo Boo or following the latest Lindsay Lohan arrest to pay attention to what really matters. Sigh...
