Thursday, November 8, 2012

Called On Account Of Rain

Given the lack of mainstream media coverage of the complete failure of FEMA to provide any significant help and comfort to Hurricane Sandy's victims, don't expect to see this story get much exposure.
FEMA disaster recovery centers in Hurricane Sandy-ravaged sections of the city that were supposed to provide assistance to hurricane victims went MIA Wednesday morning, posting signs saying that they were closed due to the approaching Nor'easter.



  1. If I understand my reading correctly, kind of to be expected. Apparently, what the public has not been really solidly advised of is that the agency is designed as an "emergency containment" (ie, large-scale management of 'threatening' groups) nationwide-governance replacement rather than an emergency relief or aid group. Seems the thing was built by executive orders for the purpose of protecting the continuity of government even over the rights of the citizenry. Which makes something of a mockery of the bill of rights intent to protect from a metastasized power-mad fed gubbermint; spending billions of taxpayer dollars annually to assure the protection of the high-powered and connected.
    The volunteer and state organizations are probably much better positioned to know the local needs and provide fast manpower in a natural disaster.

  2. Sunny, are you saying that local and non-government organizations are more effective than the federal government?

    No way... ;-)

  3. Pathetic... But where is the media??? Oh wait a minute, it's NOT BUSH... no harm no foul...

  4. NFO - you're right. Can you imagine if FEMA had shut down because of the weather after Katrina? We'd still be hearing about it.
