Saturday, October 20, 2012

Weekend Follies

Twenty years ago the bank I used to work at was closed by the FDIC - for the second time. I won't repeat that story. If you're interested you can read the gory details here (it's a long post - scroll down to the last five paragraphs for my personal backstory).

Anyway, the people I worked with were a great bunch of folks. In fact, I met my wife there. We've stayed in touch with a number of our friends and co-workers over the years. Several of us get together in Austin twice a year for a weekend of golf and reminiscing. This weekend is one of those semi-reunions.

I'm not much of a golfer. I enjoy the game, but don't devote enough time to it to be very good. But it's fun to get out on a nice course, have a few laughs (and beers), and enjoy the scenery, the weather, the fellowship - oh yeah, and the beers.

We've been known to have such a good time that we're not invited back (did I mention the beers?)

But who knows? This could be the year I score that elusive hole-in-one.

(Warning - the image revealed by clicking the button below is definitely NSFW.)


  1. Hehehe, you wish! :-) Enjoy the weekend (and the beers)...

  2. Caddy -
    "Sir, this last hole is a cinch, as long as you're sober and up to it. I know you're tempted to use your driver, but this is a Parr 1, and your putter is your best bet. Stay between the slopes, focus on the ruff. Go slow and gentle into your stroke, but once you're into it give her everything you've got. Good Luck, Sir."

  3. NFO - we had a great time, thanks. Crammed too much golf and beer into too few days...

    Pascvaks - It's always tricky playing a new course. I've played the same one for many, many years...
