Friday, October 12, 2012

VP Debate Summarized In One Photo - Updated

from JWF

Oops - make that one photo and one cartoon...

from Mostly Cajun


  1. Love that photo!

    I read a post somewhere that I agree with - as much as I rarely care about gender issues and views, I think that women, particularly, weren't appreciative of Biden's demeanor last night. Reminds me of a couple of first (and last) dates with egotistical jerks that wanted to talk about themselves all night. And pointing fingers? And interrupting? Gah, rude.

    We all know those kinds of people and generally try to avoid them. Why would we want one being a heartbeat away from the presidency?

  2. Sorry Joe! OB sold his soul and the country to the devil before the 2008 Presidential Debates.
