Saturday, October 13, 2012

The Law Of Unintended Consequences

It's real. And it can bite you - HARD!!! (Lifted in its entirety from Moonbattery.)

ObamaCare Results in Workers Being Allowed to Work Fewer Hours
Elections have consequences — and those consequences have consequences. A consequence of putting a socialist in the White House was the ham-fisted seizure of federal control over the healthcare industry. Among the consequences of ObamaCare:
In an experiment apparently aimed at keeping down the cost of health-care reform, Orlando-based Darden Restaurants has stopped offering full-time schedules to many hourly workers in at least a few Olive Gardens, Red Lobsters and LongHorn Steakhouses.
Darden is one of the top 30 employers in the country.
In an emailed statement, Darden said staffing changes are “just one of the many things we are evaluating to help us address the cost implications health care reform will have on our business.”
They aren’t the only ones scrambling to stay solvent in the aftermath of ObamaCare.
Analysts say many other companies, including the White Castle hamburger chain, are considering employing fewer full-timers because of key features of the Affordable Care Act scheduled to go into effect in 2014. Under that law, large companies must provide affordable health insurance to employees working an average of at least 30 hours per week. …

“I think a lot of those employers, especially restaurants, are just going to ensure nobody gets scheduled more than 30 hours a week,” said Matthew Snook, partner with human-resources consulting company Mercer.
This is because unlike the federal government, private businesses cannot spend more money than they take in.

Darden has been offering health insurance to all of its 185,000 employees. But many have been on a limited-benefit plan.
That type of coverage is being phased out under health-care changes, which will ban annual limits for most plans.
No worries; Obama will give them free unlimited insurance no matter how much it costs — at your expense.


  1. This will help the unemployment numbers, as they will have to hire more part-timers to make up the lost time.

    Except that most likely the dishwasher will finish up his shift at Olive Garden and cross the street for a shift at Red Lobster.

    We quit being free a long time ago.

  2. The tyranny of the wicked minority, oh their bad, very, very bad. But then they wouldn't be very, very bad if the stupid majority didn't let them get away with it. Ya jus can't win!;-)

  3. "a rose is a rose is a rose"
    their,,, there,,, ther're

  4. George, you've got that right.

    Pascvaks - you too.
