Friday, October 5, 2012

Thanks For Nothing, UN

Posted with minimal comment, other than to echo what Mark Steyn said: **** off, ******.
Encouraged by President Obama’s and Secretary Clinton’s prostrations before the howling mob, the U.N.’s No. 2 honcho explains free speech:
Free speech is a “gift given to us by the [Universal] Declaration of Human Rights,” said Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations Jan Eliasson during a press conference on October 2nd at UN headquarters in New York.  It is “a privilege,” Eliasson said, “that we have, which in my view involves also the need for respect, the need to avoid provocations.”
Free speech is a gift given to us in 1948 by U.N. officials? Who knew?
The only appropriate response of free-born peoples to such a statement is: **** off, ******.
Free speech is not a gift or a privilege granted to us by the worthless U.N.

It's a right and a responsibility bought and paid for by the blood of American citizens and patriots. Anyone who dares suggest otherwise fails to grasp the essence of said right.


  1. I wonder... really... I'll bet that if Romney made the pledge to withdraw from the UN on his first day in office in his upcoming Foreign Policy speech that he'd get another 10 million votes.

    (Not saying where they'd come from, but I bet they'd count;-)

  2. The United nations is more than useless. It's a cancerous growth, which current ideology threatens the very essense of the U.S. Constitution and the freedom all Americans enjoy.

    The UN is a tool being used by certain powerful cartels in the world to bring on a "New World Order" and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if those involved would dub this "new World Order" a Global Caliphate.

  3. US needs to get the hell out of the UN and UN needs to get the hell out of the US. Should've been done decades ago. Why we haven't told the criminal organization called 'the UN' to GFY by now is anyone's guess, but if it ever gets done, I want to see John Bolton issuing the "GFY" message...
