Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Funnies 2012.10.07

Normally Sunday's post is devoted to jokes and cartoons. However, that highly suspicious government report released yesterday showing the unemployment rate has dropped below 8% is the biggest joke I've heard in a long time.
Even though ... employment only increased by 114,000 last month (not enough to even keep up with population growth), the official unemployment rate fell from 8.1 percent to 7.8 percent.  So how did that happen?  Well, the unemployment number is not based on the survey of employers that showed that 114,000 jobs were added to the economy last month.  Rather it is based on a survey of households.  And that survey showed that the total number of Americans employed last month increased by a whopping 873,000 – almost eight times the number that the employer survey showed.  That figure for September (873,000) was the biggest one month increase in 29 years.  And it just happened to come at the exact perfect time for Barack Obama.  So was there a jobs report conspiracy?
Examine the evidence and decide for yourself.

The number of Americans with a job fell by 195,000 in July.
Then it fell by another 119,000 in August.

But somehow in September it miraculously exploded in the other direction and 873,000 jobs were added to the economy?

If you believe that, I have a bridge that I want to sell you.

Somehow, the largest increase in jobs in 29 years happened just when Barack Obama needed it the most.
Nah, that doesn’t sound fishy to me at all.
Harper also has a good post deconstructing that nonsense.

Here's a few more...

BLS statistics show that the average American now works 3 and 1/2 hours every day for the government. That's 2 more hours than civil servants do!!

 * * * * *

"Every American should have above average income, and my Administration is going to see they get it." (unattributed, but I'm going to give it to obamal)

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  • If there is a 50-50 chance that something can go wrong, then 9 times out of ten it will.
  • Eighty percent of all people consider themselves to be above average.
  • 43% of all statistics are worthless.


  1. ..."Rather it is based on a survey of households. And that survey showed that the total number of Americans (formerly "undocumented illegals from the Western Hemisphere" not counted in the last 4 years) employed last month increased by a whopping (adjusted for inflation, deportation, and escapes) 873,000 – almost eight times the number that the employer survey showed"...

    Geee! That's amazing!

  2. When Barack Obama was announced the winner of the Presidential election, back in 2008, a quote from one of my favorite authors came to mind:

    "The hand of fate has dipped into the ragbag of humanity."

    Thanks, Jean Shepherd

  3. Pascvaks - One of the theories I read that purported to explain the discrepancy between employers and households claimed that the households surveyed were primarily minority/democrat, and had been instructed to lie by democrat organizers. I may have my doubts about the accuracy of the reported numbers, but I don't go so far as to suspect a conspiracy of that size and scope.

    Not that I wouldn't put it past them to do so if they could...

    Toejam - yeah, and that same hand of fate is vigorously shaking the ragbag back and forth (with apologies to Jean Shepherd for torturing the metaphor).

  4. Yep, distract, deny, make counter accusations... er... What was the question???

    REAL unemployment is still in the 14-15% range...
