Wednesday, October 31, 2012

More Benghazi-gate

Here's your Benghazi-gate update ... in pictures.

(H/T The Conservative Treehouse)

There's a story behind the next one. Short version - Facebook is censoring a page run by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) for posting the image below. Go here for the full story, and here for the SOS Facebook page.

This one is courtesy of the creative mind of kerrcarto over at GGDF. The gentleman in the bottom half is Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, one of the SEALS who stepped forward to help Americans in danger during the attack on our consulate in Benghazi, and who was killed while requesting help from the obama administration.

kerrcarto's been a busy boy. He also posted this quote that obama vomited forth when he was addressing some Red Cross workers in Sandy's aftermath. Try not to choke on the incredibly insensitive hypocrisy.
"America's tough and we're tougher because we pull together, we leave nobody behind, we make sure that we respond as a nation, and remind ourselves that whenever an American is in need all of us stand together to provide the help that's necessary." - Barack Obama

Finally, Doug Ross put together this chart comparing the media reaction to the Valerie Plame incident during the Bush years and the Benghazi debacle. Most telling, to me at least, are the total number of deaths (Benghazi - 4; Plamegate - 0) and the number of NYT front-page stories devoted to each (Benghazi - 0; Plamegate - 93). Sort of puts things in perspective...