Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Lesson Not Learned

I realize that I'm in danger of becoming obsessed with this Benghazi thing, but I come from a military family. Both my father and my father-in-law are combat veterans. My mother was one of the first Women in the Air Force (WAFs), and my mother-in-law was a Red Cross ambulance driver and nurse during WWII. My record doesn't come close to any of theirs, but I did serve during the Viet Nam war. "Leave no one behind" is in my DNA.

I love my country. I respect and admire those who stand "Between their loved home and the war's desolation."  That's why this whole obama "leave 'em to die" thing has me so irate.

How many times will the political elites fail to learn the same lesson that is crystal clear to the rest of us 'ordinary' Americans?
What went wrong in Benghazi is the same thing that went wrong in Afghanistan. It is the same thing that went wrong on the original September 11. It is the same thing that has gone wrong throughout the War on Terror. If we are to learn any lesson from what happened in Benghazi, it should be that American lives come before Muslim diplomacy and that any government which does not put American lives first, which does not take whatever measures are necessary to save their lives, regardless of what Muslims may think, is not an American government, but a post-American government.
Why is that so damn difficult to understand?

IMO obama's failure to act is a textbook example of "dereliction of duty."

Former National Security Adviser Bud McFarlane: For Obama to Do Nothing During Benghazi Attack is “Dereliction of Duty”
You don’t just passively allow Americans to remain under attack for eight hours at a time when you have forces within range and do nothing. The Secretary of Defense was in the White House at five o’clock within an hour of when the attacks started. He could have told him, “Yes. We have special operations people and F18 aircraft that could be deployed right away. To have known what he had available, to have known that Americans were under fire, and to have done nothing, is dereliction of duty that I have never seen in a Commander in Chief from a president of any party.
Outrageous indeed. That worthless POS should be impeached indicted run out of town on a rail.

As should his media compaƱeros...


  1. Concur 100%... Making a political calculation to try to save the election and leaving four people to die IS dereliction...

  2. I just hope enough people remember this when they're in the voting booth.
