Thursday, October 11, 2012

Late Night Wine

My usual routine is to leave our home in Central Texas on Monday afternoon, spend the middle of the week in South Texas, and then return home Thursday evening.

This week, because of one of those never-to-be-sufficiently-damned committee meetings scheduled for Friday, I had to stay down here one extra day. So as a treat I took myself out to dinner at a nice restaurant. Eschewing my usual beer, I ordered a nice bottle of wine to accompany the meal. (I'm not a wine snob. I'm partial to blends, because I find most Cabs too astringent for my taste, and most Merlots too bland. But a Cab-Merlot blend hits my sweet spot.)

I don't know if it was the wine or the extra night down here, away from my wife and kids, but I was soon enveloped in a sense of melancholy. To cure that, I stopped on the way back to my apartment and picked up another bottle of the wine I had with dinner.

More wine will make me feel better, right?


At some point thoughts of my wife mixed with the wine...


  1. Nicely done! you sneaky SOB... :-)

  2. NFO - Hey, I did stay one night longer than usual, and did go out to dinner and have a little wine.

    It's a true story... (Now this ain't no shit...)

    Pascvaks - nice pun
