Tuesday, October 23, 2012

For God's Sake, Donald, STFU

Things are going along nicely for Romney. He came through the debates in good shape, the trends are in his favor, and although it's going to be close, I have a good feeling about the election.

And then along comes Donald Trump.

Donald Trump to reveal ‘divorce papers of Michelle and Barack Obama’
Donald Trump is to claim that he has unearthed divorce papers of Michelle Obama and the President, according to a respected financial pundit with links to the tycoon.

It is alleged that the eccentric real estate mogul will claim that the documents show the First Lady and the President were at one point in their two decades of marriage seriously considering splitting up.
Who the hell cares? All marriages go through ups and downs (some of us have more downs than ups, but that's another story).

Besides, even barry and michelle are entitled to some privacy. What may or may not have happened in their marriage years ago is their business - no one else's.

If Trump does do this or something equally stupid, it could very well energize the obama faithful and sway some independents to cast sympathy votes for him. That's the last thing we need in what looks like a down-to-the-wire contest.

Hey Donnie, here's some free advice. Sit down and shut the f**k up.

What an idiot - and for once I'm not referring to barry...


  1. Popularity is addictive, he's been a hardcore addict for years. He can't help himself (or anyone else) he has to make a phone call, he has to tweet, he has to get his mug on TV or the web. I understand Barak Osama has it too, very bad case of the "Me's".

  2. Pascvaks - Trump is an attention-whore ... just like obama.

    NFO - that's exactly the point. We've got massive runaway debt, a looming fiscal crisis, troops and civilians at risk in the Middle East, sequestration and an overworked military, the threat of a nuclear Iran, and on and on and on, and we're wasting time on things like Big Bird and the obama's marriage. Where are our priorities? Sigh... SIGH... SIGH...
