Monday, October 29, 2012

FOD 2012.10.29

The fiasco in Benghazi is disgraceful, disgusting, and despicable.
The Benghazi debacle has three parts: how we neglected security while al-Qaeda was building a presence in Libya; whether the administration tried to mislead the public as to the nature of the attack; and now whether the administration denied pleas for help from operatives on the ground at the consulate.
At best it exemplifies the incompetence of the obama administration. At worst it is criminal negligence, if not outright treason. That miserable failure currently masquerading as the CINC shouldn't be running for re-election. He should be facing impeachment and criminal charges.

Obama Is a Coward and Disgrace
(obama) didn’t care enough to save American lives when he had the opportunity.

The mainstream media is not even covering this story, but is parroting Obama’s talking points deceiving the American public.

Obama is a coward who’s more interested in lying and obfuscating his way into a second term than being a leader who takes responsibility for his actions. He is 100% responsible for the deaths of these four men. He is a disgrace not only to all Americans but also to the human race.
I won't bother to recap what's happened. Others have done so here, here, here, here, and here.

But I will urge you to read this.

And this. (H/T Mellow Jihadi)

And take 3 1/2 minutes out of your day to watch this.


If that's not enough to get you thoroughly riled up, ask yourself where the hell the media is in all this? Can you imagine their reaction if this had happened during a Republican administration?

Worthless bastards, all of them...

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