Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Debate #2 Round-Up

Last night's debate has sparked a veritable tsunami of commentary. Here's just a few.
Candy Crowley Admits Romney Was Correct About Libya Attack But Simply Couldn’t Stop Herself

CNN’s Crowley first plays umpire, then joins Team Obama
Crowley skews hard for Obama in disastrous presidential debate

If Tuesday night’s presidential debate proved nothing else, it demonstrated one thing: CNN’s Candy Crowley is definitely not an “uncommitted voter.”
Candy Crowley Plays Biggest Loser with Obama
But Crowley is just the latest chapter in the long story of media bias. Another debate, another debacle for America’s media.

Bizarre Coincidence: Democrats Get More Time in All Three Debates
If you want more time to get your message out in debates, it’s good to be a Democrat.

According to the CNN debate clock, President Obama spoke at greater length than Mitt Romney during both debates, as did Vice President Biden during his debate with Paul Ryan...
The same pattern -- moderators consistently favoring obama -- shows up in the number and nature of interruptions.
In the first presidential debate, Jim Lehrer, no slouch at shilling for the Democratic Party, interrupted Mitt Romney 15 times and Barack Obama only five. 

Crowley made Lehrer look like an amateur. She interrupted Obama nine times, (although four of those were when he wouldn’t respect the time limit when discussing assault weapons; he went over his time limit all night long), but when it came to Mitt Romney, she was utterly beyond the pale.

Crowley interrupted Romney 28 times. 28 times. Her desperation to keep Romney from scoring points was so patently obvious that it wasn’t really a surprise when she had her infamous moment: the moment when she interrupted and falsely claimed Romney was incorrect in accusing Obama of refusing to call the Benghazi attack an act of terror.
Same story in the Biden-Ryan debate.
Martha Raddatz, the ABC reporter who moderated the vice presidential debate ... consistently changed the subject when things got too difficult for Vice President Biden, and she interrupted Paul Ryan 31 times, to interrupting Biden just 19 times.
Candy Crowley's blatant support of obama reminded me of the old story about boxer Max Baer.
After being knocked down twice in the third round when fighting Joe Louis, Baer's trainer told him "Don't worry, kid. He hasn't laid a glove on ya".

Baer replied, "Then you better keep an eye on the referee because someone in there is beating the hell outta me."
And what was candidate obama doing while referee Crowley battered Mitt from behind?

Hiding behind her (voluminous) skirts...

(H/T PJ Tatler for the graphic.)


  1. When Candy said, "If you want him you have to go through and over me!" everyone started to back up and barf.

    Some guys will do 'ANYTHING' to stay in power.
