Thursday, October 25, 2012

And The Truth Shall Set You Free

Following up on yesterday's post:

Democrat Campaign Manager Urges Voters To Commit Election Fraud
Project Veritas has released a new investigation that exposes Representative Jim Moran’s Field Director, Patrick Moran, conspiring to commit election fraud.

When approached by an undercover investigator for advice on how to steal the votes of more than 100 people, Moran advised falsifying documents to satisfy Virginia’s new voter ID law. He said, “Bank statement obviously would be tough, but they can fake a utility bill with ease.”

Moran went on to clarify that, “You’d have to forge it.”

Announcing the release, James O’Keefe said, “This is the most damning evidence to date of the scope of voter fraud in this country. Patrick Moran is not only the son of an 11-term Congressman, but is also the Field Director on his father’s re-election campaign.
As if it needed pointing out, Moran Sr. is a democrat.

O'Keefe goes on to point out that "(Moran) would rather win by fraud than risk seeing the political positions of his father (and) Barack Obama ... rejected by the legitimate voters of Virginia.”

Now project that attitude nationwide. Romney needs to win by a large enough margin to overcome all this BS, because there is absolutely no doubt that the dems are trying every dirty trick in the book to win.

Once the slimeball got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, the Moran campaign tried to limit the damage.
Patrick Moran, son of Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA), resigned from his father's campaign on Wednesday after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video that shows him offering advice to an undercover videographer who claimed to want to commit voter fraud.

"Effective immediately, I have resigned from the Moran for Congress campaign," Patrick Moran said in a statement to TPM sent from his campaign email address.

"Patrick is well liked and was a well-respected member of the campaign team," the Moran campaign said in an unsigned statement. "This incident, however, was clearly an error in judgment. The campaign has accepted Patrick’s resignation, effective immediately."

Update: Patrick Moran told Politico in an email Wednesday evening that he thought the undercover operative was joking "and only for that reason did I humor him." Moran said he regretted the decision to go along with it. The DNC fired an employee featured in a separate video from O'Keefe's Project Veritas earlier this month.
'Only joking'. Yeah, like electing the president of the United States is a laughing matter.

And if you're wondering why you haven't heard about this (or the other 'isolated incidents'), take a look at the previous post.


  1. Like father, like son... Moran(s) are both sleazebags...

  2. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    We can only hope that this causes Moran Sr. to be defeated. Doubtful, but like I said, we can hope...
