Wednesday, October 24, 2012

And So It Begins

By all accounts the 2012 presidential election is going to be close. The battle for each and every vote is fierce. obama and his cronies have shown themselves to be utterly without honor or integrity, and capable of the dirtiest of tricks.

While I'm not a conspiracy nut, I am beginning to wonder about the validity of our electoral process, as suggested by the following articles.

Where there's smoke, there's fire...

voters say ballot cast for Romney came up Obama on machine
On Monday, several voters complained that their electronic ballot machine cast the wrong vote...

One of the voters, Sher Coromalis, says she cast her ballot for Governor Mitt Romney, but every time she entered her vote the machine defaulted to President Obama.

Guilford County (North Carolina) Board of Elections Director George Gilbert says the problem arises every election. It can be resolved after the machine is re-calibrated by poll workers.
Yeah, right, and I've got a full head of hair, washboard abs, and am hung like a stallion (well, two out of three, anyway).

It the problem happens every election, why not (1) test the machines before the election, and (2) re-calibrate before the voters arrive? Better yet, find out why the machines are screwed up and fix the root cause.

Why don't they do that? Because the errors favor the democrats. If the machines recorded a Romney vote every time the obama button was pushed you can bet your bottom dollar there'd be a huge hue and cry, the press would blanket the state with an 'investigative' reporters, and Eric Holder's New Black Panthers DOJ agents would swoop in and hand out AK-47s to everyone in sight.

It's not just the rise of the machines that's so troubling. It's also the presence of the walking (and voting) dead on the voter rolls.

North Carolina Registers Over 583 Democrat Votes Over the Age of 112
There are obviously verifiable vote fraud problems in North Carolina.

In 2010 those problems surfaced meaningfully ... a total Absentee Ballot vote of over 2,660 people over the age of 110.
Now, two years later in 2012, most of those 110 year-old voters are now 112, and apparently sill hale, hearty, and voting.
...832 voters over the age of 112. Of these voters, over 70% were slated as Democrats, with a diminutive 25% counted as Republicans. The rest were unaffiliated.

When peering a little more deeply at the numbers we find that an astounding 2,374 people between the ages of 94 and 100 have already voted in the NC election to date. While an even more astounding 832 votes came from those individuals aged 112. However, according to the Guinness book of world records, the oldest living person in the world, at present, lives in Japan and is 114 years old. It would seem obvious that, according to the NC vote registry, this old fellow might be nudged aside in the near future, especially considering the crop of spry 112 year-olds seemingly alive and well in the old North State.
It's not just happening in North Carolina. It's happening in other places also.
There are 300 more suspected noncitizens on Colorado's voter rolls, Secretary of State Gessler announced Tuesday...
Got that? 300 more. That brings the total to 441 foreigners registered to vote in a U.S. election - and that's just in Colorado.
The latest figures are from the 3,903 people who received letters from Gessler's office questioning their citizenship in August. During a first round of checks, Gessler said 141 others were found to be possible noncitizens based on a federal immigration database.

Of the 441 identified as suspected noncitizens, 232 are unaffiliated, 163 are Democrats, and 37 are Republican.
No surprise there, other than I would have expected the number of illegally registered democrats to be higher.

And the response of the democrat party?
...Gessler should focus on more important issues, like making sure the secretary of state's office website functions properly...
Oh yeah, having a web site up and running is more important than preventing illegal aliens from voting for the president of the United States.


Now we know why the democrat party is so opposed to voter ID laws...

But not to worry, fellow citizens. The United Nations is sending observers to monitor the election.
In a move drawing fire from voter fraud groups, the largest global election monitoring organization is sending an unprecedented number of observers to U.S. polling stations, paying particular attention to any signs of voter intimidation.
Where were they last year when uniformed and club-toting members of the New Black Panther party congregated outside Philadelphia polling places? Or when the obama administration interfered with the Justice Department's prosecution of those thugs for voter intimidation?

Thank goodness I live in Texas, where we don't take kindly to that crap.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has informed a group of international observers who intend to monitor polls in the Lone Star state on election day, that they best keep their distance. Literally.

He wrote that if observers are found to be stationed within 100 feet of the entrance of a polling place they could be subject to criminal prosecution.
Deer season opens down here the weekend before election day. There could be large numbers of camo-clad armed men wandering about on November 6.

Just sayin'...


  1. And don't forget vote manipulation via computer, since a lot of these new voting machines are nothing but computers...

  2. That's part of what I do for a living. I wouldn't trust those machines as far as my feeble, 90-year-old aunt could throw them.

  3. We are not a united people, never have been really, and we aren't very united states either when you think of the differences between states. So, 'people' who play fast and loose with facts and votes and tempers run the risk of really getting things screwed up and setting off a chain reaction. Of course 'they' know that. They just don't care. No! I don't think there will be another Great Civil War anytime soon, but I wouldn't rule out some hellacious riots that make Watts look like child's play. People can only push people just so far before they get pushed back in anger and the police take sides.

  4. Pascvaks, I could argue with you about whether or not we're united, but that would get into a long discussion about what is meant by "united." So I'll just say that, IMO, we as a people were, for the most part more united than not (united in terms of overarching shared values, hopes, and dreams) up until the time of the Viet Nam war. Not only did social unrest explode, but that's when we started thinking of ourselves as hyphen-Americans instead of plain old Americans (African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Irish-Americans, etc.).

    That's also when technology began to boom and divide us even further (100s of cable TV channels vs. the big 3, for example).

    I could go on, but you get the idea.

    Just my $.02 worth...

  5. Agree with your $.02 completely. It's the "assumptions" we make about how strong and resilient the union is that I beg to differ with. What happened in 1861 can happen again, and again.

    As long as there's no outsider to sink our teeth into we jus' luv' to bite each other. Just saying that the Dems think they can get away with murder, mayhem, and outright theft of an election -- they're so fired up on their own 'shine' they're just about at the point someone's going to start using some of that ammo they have stored in the closet.

    People have limits and the anarchists are pushing harder and harder. Obumma is acting and sounding more and more like a Chicago Gang Banger and I get the impression he has more suprises for us up his sleeves. Idiots are dangerous people, they don't recognize limits; and everybody has limits.
