Thursday, October 18, 2012

Always Leave Them Laughing

Say what you will, at least Mitt (or his writers) have a sense of humor. (H/T Ace of Spades)

The Al Smith Dinner is a Catholic charity dinner organized by the Archdiocese of New York. Presidential candidates typically attend, and make speeches featuring political humor. Here's a few zingers that Mitt got in during his turn at the microphone.
Romney on debate prep: "First, refrain from alcohol for 65 years before the debate."

"Speaking of Sesame Street, tonight's dinner was brought to you by the letter 'O' and the number 16 trillion."

"You can't get through an election without someone who truly stands with you. I have my lovely wife Ann, he has Bill Clinton."

"Of course rules have to be enforced, we need to make sure things are fair, (sarcastically) that's why we have the press."

"But the press and I have different jobs. My job is to tell the American people my plans for the country, the press' job is to make sure no one hears about it."

The press maybe sees things in a particular way. They've already written the headlines about tonight's dinner: "Obama embraced by Catholics, Romney dines with Rich people."

1 comment:

  1. "The way Joe Biden has been talking you really do need to inventory ALL your wine cellars."
