Saturday, September 29, 2012

You'll Need A Beer After You Read This

Local firm introduces a product for which there is widespread demand.

Federal government restricts sales of said product.

Politics plays a role in the fed's decision.


Me neither.

Feds limit sales of “Nobama Brew”
Requests are pouring in for a local brewer’s new novelty beer but the government is saying he can’t sell the brew outside of Oklahoma.

Rick Huebert’s ”Nobama Brew” has been a smash hit in the sooner state.

The owner of Huebert Brewing Company can barely keep up with demand.

“Just yesterday we had a request for about 3,000 cases from Texas and New Jersey,” Huebert said.

But Huebert has to respond to all of those requests the same way: No.

When Huebert asked the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) to approve the label for “Nobama Brew,” he specifically requested to be able to sell the beer nationwide; that request was approved via written application.

But the TTB official who approved the request, Kent “Battle” Martin, added a line to the application that reads, “THIS PRODUCT IS ONLY FOR SALE IN THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA.”

“[The form] says two things,” Huebert said. “It says I can sell it federally but then it also says I can only sell it in the state.”

We called Martin to ask why the line was added.

He told us to contact a man with TTB public relations.

That man has yet to return our phone call.

But when Rick Huebert’s lawyer, Randy Malone, called Martin, the TTB official gave a different response.

“[Martin] misunderstood that we wanted to sell outside of Oklahoma,” Malone said. “[That] is the impression I got from him.”

Malone, who has been practicing alcohol licensing law since 1989, also said he’s never heard of the TTB making such an error before.

But Huebert doesn’t understand how the TTB could misunderstand a simple application, especially one the agency processes all the time.

“From a business owner’s perspective, it seems like the federal government is doing everything they can to push down business,” Huebert said.
That, in a nutshell, is why we need to shrink the damn government.

Oh yeah - and boot obama out on his worthless ass.

Nobama Brew
Infused with Patriotism and Freedom!


  1. I had this Idea a while back where we would build a billion population city where every house was a shipping container on an acre of land and they would be given to women looking to migrate to the USA. Basically it was a means of economic warfare where by removing women from the third world shit holes that treat then poorly and enslave them with religion - those nations would collapse in on themselves and women could have a home that is their own - and they would have a year to go through education and training and grow their own vegetable gardens and be share holders in a single corporation that would build wind turbines in every square mile so not only would they get electricity - they would own shares in the selling of it.
    The whole thing for a billion new citizens would cost the USA what it has already run up as a bill (11 trillion dollars) and they could pay that (and the amount already run up by failed mismanagement of the USA) back over twenty years in low income taxes.

    Meanwhile all the men ruled nations that hat America could be denied access to the USA making it a safe haven for women.

    You could even do this for homeless and poor Americans and eventually do away with the need for unemployment and training because they would be selling electricity to companies.

    You wouldn't even need to send troops abroad - just have them guard the borders to keep men out.

    Can you imagine a parliament where a billion women represent themselves - and govern the USA. It will be world shattering.

  2. Being from New Jersey I missed a great opportunity a few years back when I wanted to produce: "NOCORZINE WINE".

    Alas, my wife talked me out of it.

  3. Still might make a nice yard sign, front bumper license plate, fridge note magnet, etc. And it kind'a looks like the Japanese would suck it up too. Unfortunately, if 'Nobama Beer' is going to take off it's running out of runway fast.

    PS: Anyone notice how few yard signs there are out there, it's like they don't want to get their house burned down, hummmmmm... and I ain't seem very many neat young guys with white shirts and ties riding bikes, somethin's up, somethin' big is up... well, either that or obama's going to win by a Chicago Landslide and there's going to be a hot time in all the old towns pretty soon... remember, when you hear "Burn Baby! Burn!" it's time to lock and load.

  4. yellowdingo - interesting idea, although I'm not to sure about the billion women governing the USA.

    Toejam - I would've bought several bottles...

    Pascvaks - I wish I had the time to drive up to OK to score a few cases. It would beat the hell out of Billy Beer...
