Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Something Else I Don't Understand

I'm on a roll tonight, and I'll pay for it tomorrow, but at this point in time I don't care. (I'm giving an exam tomorrow, so I don't have to lecture - just sit in the front of the classroom and every so often grunt "Keep your eyes on your own paper.")

Anyway, it's not like I've been hit with some divine burst of inspiration. It's just that there is so much ridiculous crap going on these days that the stories literally fall into my lap. Like this one:
In a move that has taken some parents by surprise, the (Cranston, Rhode Island) school department has announced that it is banning traditional "father-daughter" and "mother-son" activities, saying they violate state law.

Supt. Judith Lundsten said the move was triggered by a letter from the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of a single mom who had complained that her daughter had not been able to attend her father-daughter dance.
As iOwnTheWorld  noted, "Let me get this straight.  A woman couldn’t keep her man and is bitter, so everyone else has to suffer?"

Right there in a nutshell is my biggest problem with liberals, and muslims, and other narrow-minded intolerant losers. Their mindset is "if I can't do it, or if I disapprove of it, then no one should be allowed to do it."

Okay, maybe your daughter, for whatever reason (and it might in fact be a very valid one) doesn't have a father around. Thus the father-daughter dance becomes problematic for her. But why on God's green earth punish everyone else? Why not just accept the fact that life isn't fair, suck it up, and not ruin things for all the fathers and daughters out there?

I just don't get it...


  1. This must be something 'new', never heard of a Daughter/Father or Son/Mother 'dance'. Does Not Compute! Does Not Compute!

    I do remember an old Jimmy Stewart Movie, where partents and teachers attended to keep things kosher, and then the floor opened and everyone fell in the pool, but that was a little before my time. When I went we just had teachers (some of whom were priests and nuns); it was still pretty kosher then too.

  2. PS: If my kids ever had anything like that I guess the wife and I never saw the invitations;-)

  3. I knew a mom who was angry after the elementary school awards day ceremony, because her son did not get any awards. She thought that either everyone should get an award or no one - so that there would be no hurt feelings. I thought that maybe her son should work a little harder next time.

  4. It isn't as if an absent father or mother is a new thing - there were decades of war that kept many males away, and uncles, grandfathers and friends filled in.

    Bag Blog - the school award thing has gotten way out of hand. In the school district we live in, they call each kid up congratulate them and hand everyone a brown envelope. Some have awards and their standardized test scores and some just have the test scores. What a crock of shit. Of course, some Dallas schools are giving away free basketball shoes just to get thugs to come to school. Like an education is going to help them...

  5. Toejam - right on!

    Pascvaks - I heard Mohammed showed up at one asking if he could 'borrow' one of the daughters...

    Bag Blog - That's the lesson I learned growing up.

    Harper - I think she's just a bitter hag who was looking for something to complain about, rather than a solution.

    Brown envelopes - seriously? Does each student get to give a valedictorian speech too?
