Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Poetic Justice

Old Glory Strikes Back
Apparently, the Stars and Stripes is doing something the Obama Administration won't allow the Marine Embassy Guards do - fight back.

As reported by the International Herald-Tribune (of Pakistan), one of the many anti-American, flag burning protesters in that nation died from inhaling toxic fumes from torched U.S. flags.
Witnesses said the dead man had complained of feeling ill after breathing fumes from the burning flags. Not surprising, since they were probably made in China, and we all know that the Chinese record on product safety leaves a lot to be desired. But we shouldn't let that spoil this feel-good moment.


  1. LOL, payback... however small! :-)

  2. You'll know obammie is coming out of the closet when he grows a beard, imagine the riots to follow then.
