Thursday, September 27, 2012

Men Are Pigs

Kerrcarto recently put up a post about two reasons to watch the Food Network.

Here's my response: two reasons to drink beer.


  1. I'll take her "taps" for my dispensers anytime!

  2. Have to be British, or at least German. Oh..... the beers!;-)

  3. I suffered the effects of a tanning bed incident in 1985 that could have resulted in a similar picture, provided the beer was ice cold.

  4. You first three just reinforce the title of this post.

    Harper, this is one in a series of pictures showing the young lady in various stages of dunking her ta-tas. Since this is a PG blog I omitted the pictures of her removing them from the beer, but rest assured that there is ample evidence that the beer is, in fact, ice cold.

    You'll have to post the details of that tanning bed incident. Sounds intriguing...
