Monday, September 24, 2012

Bonus FOD - 2012.09.24

The obama administration has spent wasted $70,000 of taxpayer dollars producing a commercial apologizing to the woefully wronged overly sensitive terrorist assholes in the Mid East who destroyed our embassies, burned our flags, and killed our citizens.

The obama administration is making plans to release 55 woefully wronged overly sensitive terrorist assholes from Gitmo in the near future.

(H/T Hope 'n Change)

The obama administration is reportedly considering releasing Omar Abdel-Rahman, a.k.a. “The Blind Sheik,” (the person behind the original attack on the World Trade Centers back in 1993) from a U.S. prison, where he is currently serving a life sentence.

Last night, in an interview on 60 Minutes, obama referred to the four dead Americans murdered in the recent Libyan consulate attack as "bumps in the road" on the way to democracy in the Middle East.

obama's idea of a bump in the road

Has there ever been a more clear-cut case of bowing, kow-towing, and appeasing such a bloodthirsty and uncivilized enemy of this country?

I damn sure can't think of one...


  1. Agreed Old NFO.

    He's not only an international embarrasment, but he's driving our bus off a very high cliff.

  2. Step back from that tree my friends, in fact, step way back. He is not alone.

    The most frightening aspect of all this is the size of the forest he's in, and how dry and hot things are getting.

    "All that is necessary for the success of tyranny is that good men do nothing"? There sho' is a lot'a nuttin' goin' on!

  3. Ass, bus, and tree ... y'all have a way with words. :-)

    At times like this we need a real leader - NOT a 'community organizer' (whatever the hell that is).
