Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Blood And Tacos

At last! The story of my times in Laredo has made it into print!

There was a time when paperback racks were full of men’s adventure series. Next to the Louis L’Amours, one could find the adventures of The Executioner, the Destroyer, the Death Merchant, and many more action heroes that were hell-bent on bringing America back from the brink. That time was the 1970s & ’80s. A bygone era filled with wide-eyed innocence and mustaches.

Those stories are back! The new quarterly magazine Blood & Tacos is bringing back the action, the fun, and the adventure. Also, the mustaches.

If the stories weren’t enough, Blood & Tacos will also feature fine pulpy art...
When I was a kid I used to like going to the barber shop with my old man, because while Dad sat and BS'ed with the guys, I was busy getting an eyeful of all the pulp art in the old True Detective magazines laying around.

Coming soon - Blood and Tacos: The Movie!


  1. I always preferred Penthouse Forum.

  2. I guess Kerrville has X-rated barber shops...

  3. Something's missing, can't put my finger on it but it's just not there. Maybe it's the haven (barbershop), maybe it's the media (paper), maybe it the organization (publishing), or something I'm too old now to fugure out. I just know that there are millions of good ideas like barbershops and magazines that are out there waiting to be invented, I just think that the inventers are too stiffled even though the market is dying for invention. I know I wouldn't come up with any bright ideas if Uncle Sugar was putting me up and saying I could stay as long as I liked. Damn Uncle Sugar!

  4. Pascvaks - FYI, the Blood and Tacos publication is only available on Kindle. Progress...

  5. Hummmm... I still think that it would be selling like Mexican weed grass if Uncle Sugar wasn't screwing things up... and Madison Ave., have you noticed that the best commercials are not made by the wierdos on Madison Ave? I can smell their stuff a full 9/10's of a sceond before the screen starts to change. If I were selling anything I'd go to Atlanta, St Louis, or Nashville for commercials. Must be something in the NYC water.

  6. Yeah, that NYC H2O has a lot of bad side effects...
