Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Vacation Wrap-Up

After 10 days of no TV, Internet, or newspapers, I came back to find that:
  1. Romney hasn't paid his taxes for 10 years.
  2. Romney caused some guy's wife to die from cancer.
  3. Romney picked Paul Ryan as his running mate (great choice, btw).
  4. The media has declared Paul Ryan to be the second coming of Satan himself.
Expanding on that last point, the various media hacks are pontificating that Paul Ryan is unqualified because he lacks significant private sector experience. (Remind you of anyone...? Double standard...?). On the other hand Romney isn't fit to be president because he's too closely tied to the private sector.

I've been back less than 24 hours and I'm already sick of this crap. It's enough to drive a man to drink.

Or at least make him want to go back on vacation...

 From our earlier trip. This is the beach at Punta Cana.

Same beach, different direction.

 The villa where we stayed.

 From our most recent trip to Wyoming, here's the view from the foothills approaching the mountains. The ranch where we stayed is about a 30 minute ride from here, and the mountains another 15 minutes (that's on horseback, not in a car).

 The view looking the other way, from up in the mountains looking back at the foothills. We were at about 6000 feet when this picture was taken. That faint ridge line in the far distance is Montana.

 Sunset on the ridge overlooking the horse barn and corrals. We stayed up there a little too long and just barely got down before it was totally dark.

 The ranch cabins are old, and the windows don't always work right. In this case we had to resort to field expediency in order to keep the window open.


  1. Oh, they were. From one extreme (lap of luxury) to the other (maximum rustic).
