Friday, August 3, 2012

Off To A Good Start

The results from Tuesday's Texas primary runoff elections hopefully represent a trend that will carry forward to the November general elections. The message -- loud and clear -- is that voters are fed up with the current crop of do-nothing congresscritters. We want real change - and we want it now!

Cruz win is a slap at status quo
The decisive win by Cruz, a first-time office-seeker, over one of the Texas' most powerful officeholders underscores the growing clout of tea party conservatives in Republican nominating contests and the struggles that both moderate and conservative establishment figures are facing in the current political climate of grassroots fury at the status quo.

“People perceive a crisis,” said Clemson University political scientist James Woodard, a specialist in conservative politics. “They want leadership, not experience...”
Campbell upsets Wentworth for Texas Senate
...Dr. Donna Campbell, whose insurgent campaign proclaimed “it's time to end politics as usual,” captured an upset win over veteran state Sen. Jeff Wentworth on Tuesday.

People were tired of the status quo government — that's the folks who came out and voted for us,” Campbell said
Another message is that the Tea Party is definitely a factor to be considered in the November races.

Texas race shows Tea Party strength
The easy victory of Houston lawyer Ted Cruz in the Republican U.S. Senate runoff in Texas shows the tea party movement remains a potent force in American politics.

It also highlights an anti-establishment frustration among voters, especially grass-roots conservative activists, which could influence national elections in November.
I don't understand why career politicians who have been in office for decades now all of a sudden think they can solve our problems.

Hell, they're the ones who created them...

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