Thursday, August 23, 2012

Now I Understand

This explains a lot about why the Dept. of Justice's actions of late have seemed a bit bizarre.
A DOJ policy instituted May 31, 2012, directed the agency to "affirmatively recruit" attorneys and staff who are dwarfs or who have “psychiatric disabilities” or “severe intellectual disabilities.”
"Affirmatively recruit" means that the targeted groups are given preference in hiring, and in fact can sidestep the normal hiring process.
This DOJ policy does not merely involve prohibitions against discrimination, but rather the documents reveal deliberate recruitment efforts to hire as attorneys and staff for the Department of Justice people suffering from psychiatric disorders and intellectual disabilities.  Moreover, applicants can “self-identify” their disability...
"Self-identify."  That means even though I stand 6'1" tall, I can fill out "Standard Form 256, Self Identification Disability" and declare myself a dwarf, and no one can say boo about it.
Those with “targeted disabilities” may be hired through a “non-competitive” appointment. That means they don’t have to endure the regular civil service competition among applicants, but can be plucked from the stack of resumes and hired immediately instead.

According to the documents, those with these “targeted disabilities” may be hired “before the position is advertised” and even “before the position’s closing date.” Moreover, lawyers with psychiatric disabilities and “severe intellectual” disabilities receive a waiver from the requirement that a new DOJ employee have practiced law for one year before being hired.
I'm all for equal opportunity, but hiring folks before a position is made public, or waiving requirements that other applicants must meet, is not equal opportunity. It's reverse discrimination.

It's seemed to me that the DOJ's recent actions have been stupid and crazy. Now I know why...

(Full memo here.)


  1. Q; What takes 4 years to 'create' and 40 years to undo?
    A: An Obamanation!

  2. Yeah, they're going off the deep end (again)...

  3. Pascvaks - Unfortunately, once a government policy gets established it's like it's carved in stone. We'll be hip-deep in dwarf lawyers for the next 40 years... :-)

    NFO - the deep end doesn't have to be all that deep for dwarfs... :-)
