Monday, August 20, 2012

FOD 2012.08.20

I'm a soft-hearted person. Sometimes too soft-hearted. For example, if obama getrs re-elected I'll feel sorry for him.



  1. In oBbumma's mInd:
    "ReElection is ReDemption"

    BeSides the psycho tWist in hIs tHinking, he views aMericans with total contempt. ReElection would be the icing on the cake. If you can't fix it, totally destroy it a'la aDolf. (Just imagine what the history books will say if he's reElected. Just IMAGINE!;-(

  2. But he'll STILL blame it on Bush... sigh

  3. Pascvaks - I'm clinging to the hope that enough Americans come to their senses this Nov. to prevent obama's ReDemption.

    NFO - True. Even worse, obama is worried that if Romney wins, he (Romney) will get credit for the economic recovery that has started during his (obama's) administration.

    And obama's supporters think Romney is out of touch with reality...?
