Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Horse Is A Horse Of Course Of Course...

The obama campaign is using the fact that Ann Romney owns a show horse to try and paint the Romney's as members of the evil rich 1% who are out of touch with the middle class.

They are, of course -- much like barry and michelle -- but that's beside the point. It's also a tactic that won't be as effective as the obamamaniacs hope.
The hoo-hah over Ann Romney’s part-ownership of Olympic dressage horse Rafalca will backfire on the liberal critics. She began riding to help with her multiple sclerosis — admirable, gutsy.
The best response I've seen comes from Roger the real King of France.
So the Romneys are selfish for keeping a horse?

And employing a groom with a family to support.

And paying for feed that’s sold by someone with a family to support

And  transported in trucks by someone with a family to support

And manufactured in a factory by people with families to support

And made from stuff that’s grown by farmers with families to support.

And having a barn built by construction workers with families to support with  materials trucked by drivers with families to support

And made with materials from factories with workers with families to support.

Sounds to me like Mitt Romney's one horse has already done more to put Americans to work than that horse’s ass in the White House.
Words straight from the horse's mouth...

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