Sunday, July 8, 2012

You Can't Argue With Facts

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Unemployment Rate Dropped In Every State That Elected A Republican Gov. In 2010
In 2010, influenced by the Tea Party and its focus on fiscal issues, 17 states elected Republican governors. And, according to an analysis, every one of those states saw a drop in their unemployment rates since January of 2011. Furthermore, the average drop in the unemployment rate in these states was 1.35%, compared to the national decline of .9%, which means, according to the analysis, that the job market in these Republican states is improving 50% faster than the national rate.

On the other hand, the unemployment rate in states that elected Democrats in 2010 dropped, on average, as much as the national rate decline and, in some states such as New York, the unemployment rate has risen since January of 2011.
Well, okay, just one comment (sorry- I can't help myself).

Combine this with the failing European model and it should be painfully obvious to even the most oblivious observer that big-government nanny states are destined to fail.

They. Do. Not. Work.

How friggin' hard is that to understand?


  1. It's not, if you can get past all the BS... sigh

  2. There are none so blind as those who will not see...

  3. It's NOT the regular crap that's the problem, it's the Sugar-Coated Multi-Colored Multi-Flavored Crap that has an addictive something that folks just gotta' gobble down by the bucketfull and want More! More! More! Wonder who makes that stuff?

  4. My governor is Republican, and my state is the only state where all counties (77 of them) voted against Obummer in the 2008 election. I'm very proud of my state.

  5. Pascvaks - Yeah, 'free' goodies are addictive ... to everyone except the people who are paying for them.

    InSeek - good for you. Let's repeat that feat this Nov.

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