Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

At last - a good use for a burka.

Liquor Stores Serve Underage Boy Wearing A Burka
Three liquor stores in the GTA recently sold booze to a 14-year-old boy whose identity was hidden because he was wearing a full-length burka and face veil at the time.

The teenager, clad in an Islamic female’s traditional garb of a burka, headscarf and facial covering, shopped in three different LCBO stores north of Toronto last Wednesday.

In each location, the Grade 8 student paid cash for a bottle of Sambuca liqueur.
Video report below.

I predict a wave of copycat crimes...


  1. NFO - agreed, but give the kid credit for originality. When I think back to some of the scams I tried to get beer when I was underage... ("Nobody ever asked me for my ID in the Da Nang Valley...").

    Pascvaks - I wonder if, in Canada, asking a burka-clad individual for an ID would be considered anti-muslim...?

  2. The LCBO, like many other organizations plays the P.C. card because Burka = Muslim and to ask a Muslim to unveil in public = at least rebuke by every Liberal in the country or possibly rioting, damage to public buildings and assalts on "infidels".

    The real scary part is the lack of transparency. All there quasi-public big-shots are hiding in their Ivory towers and refuse to make a statement on an "illegal" practice.

    Canada is getting as bad as Great Britain.

  3. Toejam - come to think of it, a terrorist could disguise himself in a burka and carry several weapons, strap on an explosive vest, and go just about anywhere without fear of being stopped or searched. Something to think about...

  4. "It takes a village" of morons to ruin a Great Country. Think maybe, just maybe, the federal experiment of 'one-size-fits-all-and-dumb-down-everything-and-everybody-into-one-Nation-of-idiots' has been working too well, and that it really isn't worth the used toilet paper it's written on? I'm really worried, people are being put under enormous pressure to change into something they aren't; when the pressure and heat build a little more there's going to be one hell-of-a-reaction. Well, what the heck, the idiots deserve more than just a little moment of glory on a rack pulled by their peers; they ought to be given the full "Wallace" treatment in full measure of their life's work. Imagine! Just imagine what Toronto would be like if there were no bloody federal laws on everything from passing gas to picking your teeth (and everthing in between)?
