Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

We had very few issues clearing TSA security on our recent vacation. Based on the following story, I don't know whether to be happy or insulted.

TSA Flags Man With World’s Largest Penis For Additional Screening
Jonah Falcon of New York City is an actor and hosts a public-access show about the Yankees, but he isn't famous for that. He's famous for a quirk of nature: he has the largest recorded penis in the world. He's appeared on lots of talk shows and even in a documentary, but evidently his fame hasn't reached the TSA workers at San Francisco International Airport. There, the large bulge in his pants caught the notice of a guard, who presumed it was some kind of weapon. He was subjected to a (brisk and professional) extra patdown and tested for explosive residue.

"I'm just gonna wear bike shorts from now on," he told the Huffington Post. "That way, they'll know. You'd think the San Francisco TSA would have had experience with hung guys before, but I guess not."

And the answer to your question is nine inches flaccid, twelve and a half inches erect.
Damn! I was so close to winning. I guess I'll just have to settle for second place...


  1. Ahhhh... heck they can do anything with silicon these days. TSA ought to have a special Hi-Dose X-Ray machine for these people. I guess if they fly very much they'll eventually bust a seam and spring a leak, but hay, so what, ever since my prostate op I've been wearing pampers and look like a real stud with my clothes on. People can adapt to anything.

  2. LOL, guess he 'could' have just flopped it out and answered ALL their questions!

  3. Pascvaks - When we went through security at the Charlotte airport they had one of those full body scanners. It's so sensitive that it even picked up a bandana I had in my hip pocket (they had me remove it and they tested it for explosive residue) so I guess they could pick up pockets of injected silicone.

    NFO - I think the SF TSA guy just wanted to touch it...

  4. I haven't flown in 18 years and I ain't in a hurry to do it again. I understand the leg room in the seats is now about 2 feet less than it used to be.

    If I ever have to go through that full body thing I have a feeling I'm going to start to bubble over. Maybe I better take it off and put it in the plastic container with my keys.

    Those Gov't Employees have every benefit known to man, and some they make up as they go.
