Friday, July 13, 2012

More Than You Ever Wanted To Know

There's a lot of things about Islamic fanatics I don't understand. Here's a prime example.
Not only did the original "underwear bomber" Abdullah Hassan al-Asiri hide explosives in his rectum ... but al-Asiri apparently had fellow jihadis repeatedly sodomize him to "widen" his anus in order to accommodate the explosives - all in accordance with the fatwas [religious edicts] of Islamic clerics.
If you really want to you can read more about it at the link.

Now that I think about it, Islamic fanatics and liberals have at least one thing in common. They both go through a series of mental gymnastics to convince themselves that even the most extreme behavior can be justified according to their beliefs.

Whack jobs, all of 'em...


  1. Before you can play the game you have to know the rules. Before you can really know the rules you have to understand the basic concept and purpose of the game. "Jihadism's" basic concept and purpose is to use 'religion' (specifically Islam and it's concept of 'Jihad') to get people to accomplish something, anything really, in the here and now that furthers a temporal political purpose, while promising 'faithful' followers they will get great glory and pleasure in the afterlife. It was a brilliant invention. So, the way you "play" Jihadism is to convince your followers something like eternal life and pleasure, then to get them the explosives to do the "trick", and a little bit of drugs to give them some last minute courage, pick out a target, and send them on their way. Points are scored by number of enemy kills and concessions gained.

    PS: The only truly effective counter to the game of Jihadism is to take out the actual 'players', the so called 'Religious Pimps and Pushers" who do the recruiting and masterminding of the game. As long as they survive the Game is On.

  2. One point the article made is that fatwas override the Koran. So jihadists can do whatever they want and justify it with a fatwah, even if it contradicts the Koran.

    Nice system...
