Friday, July 27, 2012

Banning Pickup Trucks Will Prevent Needless Deaths - Right?

There was a recent event here in South Texas that resulted in a high death toll. It hasn't received the national attention that the Colorado movie theater shooting has, but is nonetheless tragic and horrific.
The death toll rose to 15 on Tuesday from Sunday's crash in southern Texas of a pickup truck packed with 23 suspected illegal immigrants...
I haven't heard any calls for banning pickup trucks in response to this tragedy. Or illegal immigrants. But according to the 'logic' of those opposed to the 2nd Amendment, if we did away with pickups -- or illegal immigrants -- then tragedies like this could be prevented.
Eight people remained hospitalized following the horrific single-vehicle wreck - the second multiple-fatality accident in the region in the past three months that involved smuggling people in overloaded vehicles.

In April, nine of 17 illegal immigrants in a packed minivan were killed when the vehicle rolled over while being pursued by U.S. Border Patrol agents near the border with Mexico in Palmview. The suspected driver, a 15-year-old boy, and six others were charged in that crash.
And just a couple of days after the most recent crash, we have this:
Two pickup trucks stolen in Harris County (Texas) filled with suspected immigrants were involved in a chase in Matagorda and Wharton counties on Tuesday, deputies said.

Deputies, state troopers and Bay City police chased both pickup trucks north on Highway 60.

The Ford crashed about a mile north of Chalmers Road on Highway 60, detectives said.

Sixteen people were inside the Ford, investigators said. Four of them were injured and taken to a hospital.

After the Ford crashed, deputies kept pursuing the Dodge. It traveled into Wharton County, where it crashed just north of County Road 114, detectives said.

Investigators said 12 people were inside the Dodge...
It must be a trend! All the more reason to ban pickups and illegal immigrants.

What's that you say? Illegal immigrants are, by definition, already illegal and banned? And yet they still exist? But there's a law against them.

Now substitute "guns" for "illegal immigrants". Does that mean if we make guns illegal they won't disappear?

Not according to the left, who evidently believe that people who ignore laws against shooting other people will obey gun control laws.

Trying to follow that sort of twisted thinking makes my head hurt.

I don't mean to make light of a terrible tragedy. I'm just trying to point out the fallacy of expecting a new law to control the behavior of people who have already demonstrated that they have no inclination to obey existing ones. My thoughts and prayers are with the injured and dead in South Texas, who were only trying to make a better live for themselves and their families.
The driver, who was killed, apparently was smuggling illegal immigrants to Houston, where they hoped to find jobs, said Trooper Gerald Bryant of the Texas Department of Public Safety. The dead included 12 males and three females, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said. Two children died.

 What's left of the truck after the crash.


  1. I've often countered the "Anti-gun" arguement with my own "ban bigger killers" by removing motor vehicles from the roads.

    But now I see the error of my ways.

    Banning motor vehicles would dash the hopes of those folks who have dreams of the Federal government builting highways and subsidizing auto/truck manufacturers in order to create small businesses for them.

  2. We had the exact same discussion when the news broke about that crash. There was also a family of 5 killed in an El Paso drunk driving incident that same weekend. Yet we have laws about alcohol sales, consumption, driving, etc. Why is this logic lost on so many people?

  3. Toejam - never underestimate the power of vested interests... especially car companies owned by the govt.

    Harper - it's somewhat trite, but IMO also quite true, to say that the right employs facts and logic, while the left is ruled by emotion. That is nowhere as obvious as the gun control issue.

  4. HA! Great minds indeed CTT. This has happened more than one occasion too...
