Friday, June 15, 2012

This Is Journalism?

Can the lamestream media get any lamer?
Why does the White House seek out interviews with local television affiliates? Maybe it's because they ask questions like these:

"Mr. President, we've heard you sing, we've seen you do stand up at the correspondents dinner." Tom Wills of WJXT in Jacksonville, Fla. stated.

"I was just wondering if you would give any thought to being on 'American Idol' or 'America's Got Talent'?"
If obama suddenly stopped while he was walking that idiot 'journalist' would break his nose...

(H/T JammieWearing Fools for the link.)


  1. Something I've said elsewhere this morning seems to fit -

    “89% of Germans want Obama reelected”
    “92% of France wants Obama reelected”

    That means The USSR DID win the Cold War!
    I knew it! Something kept telling me that they did.
    I couldn’t put my finger on it till now.
    But there it is, the Soviets Won!
    I guess that means old QEII is toast.
    They’ll probably make Buck House a
    People’s Museum or something, and rename the Euro
    The New Ruble.
    Have fun Comrades!

    From the 'American Press' it appears OB Yuan has a ~45% following with Yankee Reds, I guess that means we're going 'down by the bow' faster than we thunk.

    If the Stormin' Mormin doesn't win and reverse course pronto, the Game is Over and it's the North Slope Gulags for all us freedom lovers. Hope they don't install any "Showers" up there.
