Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Theirs vs. Ours

Russian president Vladimir Putin and our own barack obama met in Mexico to discuss the situation in Syria. obama is seeking Russian cooperation to end the violence and possibly remove Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. Russia, on the other hand, has historically supported Assad and Syria. The atmosphere was tense.
In their first meeting since 2009, Obama and Putin shared little eye contact and did not appear to express much personal warmth following a two-hour meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit. Putin made brief remarks and then looked down at the table as Obama spoke to reporters, aided by a translator.
obama has never shown the cojones to directly confront anyone on the international front (except, perhaps, our traditional allies). Iran and North Korea continue to improve their nuclear capabilities with no meaningful opposition from the U.S. China is building up its military while obama plans to reduce ours. Assad continues to brutally repress any and all opposition without, well, opposition. Russia is asserting itself in several areas of national concern, including the U.S.-backed missile defense system in Europe and the Syrian conflict.

It shouldn't be surprising, I guess, that Russia is doing whatever it wants while we sit idly by. Just look at the contrast between their president and ours.

And in other news from Mexico, obama continues his tradition of bowing to every foreign leader he meets.

This guy is such a total embarrassment. We have simply got to kick his ass to the curb in November, or there is no hope for us...


  1. (SarcOn) Sensitive, Ultra-Secret, NOFORN Secret Service Documents left at a Mexican Whore House reveal that obumma's problem started a Dean's reception at Harvard Law School many years ago and that while the details of that incident are scatchy and sealed, along with his grades, it appears that when going through the receiving line everyone told the future President that his zipper was down, and he didn't believe them and thought they were playing a trick on him, but that it was indeed. He was the laughing stock of the entire campus from that day on. Ever sense, whenever someone tells him his zipper's down he immidetaly checks, it's automatic, an uncontrolable reflex. The SS believes that the word got out to foreign embassies in a "Profile and Biography" of President Elect obumma after his election that was released during the transition period by a current, high level official prior to her approval by the Senate as his Secretary of State.(SarcOff)

  2. I usually check my zipper by touch, not by sight...

  3. Yea, CTT,

    I do the same but I've learned you have to be cool and make it look like you're reaching for the car keys in your pocket or people who are looking will think your a pervert or have a serious case of crabs and need to scratch really bad.

  4. All true, all true, but remember that old refrane "Different Strokes for Different Folks"? And then there's the matter of his upbringing, as well as the where of it... There's still a great deal about him we don't know. Why even Drudge had more about his books; he tends to fib a little I'm told. Naaaa... there's more to this than an SS whorehouse background doc, maybe a lot more..
