Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Ray Of Sunshine

Lost in the uproar over the trashing of the U.S. Constitution by five black-robed idiots Supreme Court ruling upholding obamacare was this bit of good news.
A judge on Wednesday rejected a request by federal authorities to block Florida's contentious move to remove potentially ineligible voters from its rolls.
The whole thing started when a local Florida TV station (NBC2 in Ft. Myers) decided to actually do some investigative reporting (a lost art at the mainstream media national level). Someone noticed that a lot of people were being excused from jury duty when they stated they were not U.S. citizens. However, in Florida the pool of potential jurors is selected from the list of registered voters. This led to the natural question of how people could beg off jury duty by claiming they were non-citizens when they were registered voters, who are, by definition citizens.

How, indeed?

So the state of Florida began a program to purge its voter roles of people who had used that particular excuse. The obama/holder DOJ objected, of course, since most of the invalid voters were probably democrats. Last week, U.S. District Judge Robert Hinkle ruled in the state's favor.
Hinkle in ruling from the bench said federal laws are designed to block states from removing eligible voters close to an election. He said they are not designed to block voters who should have never been allowed to cast ballots in the first place.

Although he said "questioning someone's citizenship" is not a trivial matter, Hinkle also said that non-citizens should not be allowed to vote.

"People need to know we are running an honest election," said Hinkle, who was appointed by former President Bill Clinton.
Of course, this is not likely to end the controversy. If non-citizens and dead people are barred from voting, the democrats will lose a chunk of their core constituency...


  1. BUT the worst case of abuse comes from Republicans who are intent on removing AMERICAN VETERANS AND WAR HEROS from the Voter Rolls. It is suspected that tens of hundreds of thousands have been preemptively removed in Florida alone and that these great Americans will be reburied and reregistered in Chicago as a result of a grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs for $455Billion. If you or soneone you know have relatives who ever served in the military and were buried in Florida, you are entitled to an autographed picture of the President and a thank you note from the Godfather of Chicago. (Note supplies are limited so call and request your's today 1-800-BUY-A-VOTE)

    PS: Just in case DOJ or the FBI are listening, SARCOFF!

  2. Yeah, this one is going down hill fast...
