Thursday, June 14, 2012

Today Is A Special Day For Two Reasons

(Make sure you read to the end of the post.)

I've been so dang busy this one almost slipped past me. Today is Flag Day.

June 14, commemorates the anniversary of the adoption of the US flag by the Continental Congress in 1777. It’s celebrated across the nation by ordinary citizens hanging out their red-white-and-blue Stars and Stripes. President Harry Truman made sure of that in 1949 when he signed a congressional resolution setting June 14 as Flag Day’s official date.

Flag Day first took hold as a local event at the beginning of the Civil War, when the North needed a symbol around which to rally. It rose in popularity during the World Wars, for the same reason. Right now the US is at the tail end of a long involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. The struggle against Al Qaeda has been going on for years. Flags came out on 9/11 and in many cases have stayed out.

The US flag does not represent federal Washington. It does not represent the power of the state. It represents the assembly of citizens into a government of them, by them, and for them. The citizens of no other nation on earth fly their flags everywhere they live and go, according to Marc Leepson, author of the 2005 book “Flag: An American Biography.”

“By and large it has been individual American businessmen, teachers, journalists and private organizations – primary but not exclusively veterans’ groups and patriotic organizations – that have developed and pushed for many of the important changes in the evolution of the flag’s cultural importance,” Leepson writes.
And that's the way it should be for many of the issues facing this country. Screw the politicians and the special interests. Let We the People run things for a change. We damn sure can't do any worse.

But I digress.

Fly Old Glory today. Fly her proud and high. And revel in what she stands for, and what she is.

The flag of the greatest country this world has ever known...

While we're at it, there's another anniversary of note today that I almost overlooked - today is the U.S. Army's 237th birthday.

Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, our Nation's leaders established the Continental Army, beginning a rich heritage of successfully defending this great country and her citizens. Today, we celebrate the continued honor, loyalty and bravery of our Soldiers in this noble calling.
They used to say that the Army builds men. Well, forty-one years ago it made a man out of a know-it-all 19-year-old kid.

So here's wishing the Army a happy 237th birthday.

And here's hoping it celebrates 237 more...

Finally, here's one last image that I just couldn't resist.

What can I say - I'm a sucker for Old Glory and cute little dogs...


  1. Apparently you're not opposed to a nice, shapely, long pair of female legs either.

    Me too!

  2. NFO - It was my pleasure. And I sincerely mean that.

    Toejam - What can I say? She came with the picture of the dog and the flag...
