Monday, June 25, 2012

FOD 2012.06.25

While waiting for the Supreme Court decision on obamacare, we would do well to not overlook the Fast and Furious scandal. Although the mainstream media (with the notable exception of CBS's Sheryl Attkisson) has largely ignored both the original gunrunning and the obama administration's ham-handed coverup attempts, the story is beginning to gain traction. It's just too juicy to ignore.
"Imagine being so down and out that you have to deter people from talking about the economy with the news that you are an accessory to murder." Nothing better summed up a week where the economy continued its tumble, the presidential approval rate continued its downward slide, and the President invoked executive privilege with respect to the government gun running operation which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people including our own border agent, Brian Terry, and perhaps an ICE agent of ours as well.

If this account is true, we have an Administration which ran an illegal operation designed to further regulate and therefore diminish American citizens'  constitutional right to bear arms ; when the scheme resulted in the death of 200 Mexicans and at least one and possibly two U.S. agents, it lied repeatedly under oath about it;  and the White House was involved in the efforts illegally to cover it up.

... it's Watergate with toe tags.

Can you imagine the media's outrage if this happened under a republican administration? Where is this generation's Woodward and Bernstein? Where's the outrage?

Only in the blogosphere, I'm afraid...


  1. RE: Obama and Holder, feedback from other Famous Thespians..

    Bevis and Butthead... "when you vote black and get white where are you?" "Chicago!"

    Cheech and Chong... "they must think Chiano's are dumber than they are, got any weed man?" "No they took it when they took the silverware man!"

    Martin and Lewis... "ba da ba da ba da!" "I need a drink!"

    Burns and Allen... "say good night Gracie." "Good Night Obama!"

    Abbott and Costello... "Who's on First?" "Holder!" "Who's hitting?" "Obama!" "Who's pitching?" "Obama!" "Who's catching?" "Obama!" "Who's the Ump?" "I don't see one!"

    Laurel and Hardy... "I didn't do anything Obie, I didn't do anything!" "Oh be Quiet! I'll handle this! You see Ma'dam it was all a very honest and unintended consequence of moving all those guns in your piano."

    The Three Stooges... "na na na na" "na na na na" "na na na na" SMACK! BOOM! FLOP! SPITZ! ZOWIE! BOINK!

    I couldn't leave out The Three Stooges, if you need to add a face to number three, think Big Sis!

  2. Democratic Convention First Ballot

    Delegate: I don't see Obama on the Ballot!

    State Chair: He changed his name last night and hasn't told anyone what it is yet! Just jump up and down and scream like always!

  3. The difference between barry & eric and those other classic comedians is that Beavis & Butthead et al. have never, to the best of my knowledge, killed anyone.

  4. Maybe I have been under a rock, or maybe it is the gross under-reporting of the story, but this story about the Reese family in New Mexico about made my head explode.

    Holder is letting other people rot in jail, after seizing all of their worldly possessions, while he plays zip your lip and throw away the key.

  5. Come on guys, Cheer Up! Make like an Egyptian surrounded by Jihadists! Think positive! Stop, and smell the roses, all four of 'em. When the going gets tough the tough get going, somewhere! The straightest line between two points is a distance, and hopefully it ain't too damn far! Remember, it ain't that the glass is half empty, it's that there's more in the bottle; and it makes no sense a'tall to put money in the bank, they ain't going to do anything with it or pay you anything for it. Drink up! The bars are closed on Election Day!

  6. Hey Pascvaks,

    You forgot these two icons, wjo resemble the Messiah and Holder. They're even talking about gun running.

  7. I'm waiting for the indictments... THEN I'll believe we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

  8. Harper - My God! That's reprehensible. I consider myself reasonably well-informed and that's the first I've heard of the Reese family and the Kafkaesque nightmare their life has become. Talk about a miscarriage of justice!

    Pascvaks - Toejam nailed it. Amos & Andy is SO appropriate...

    NFO - I'm with you. Resignations and/or impeachments would be a good start, but indictments are definitely warranted.

  9. Re: Amos & Andy -
    You know, they've been Banned for so long that I completely forgot about those two guys, and Kingfish, and the others... you don't suppose the NSA will be issueing Warrents for our arrest and sending us to SE Cuba do you? No, I'm sorry, I've completely forgot that too, where do they send plain old Americans? That's not that 'Late Term Abortion' stuff is it?
