Monday, June 4, 2012

FOD 2012.06.04

Last Friday the May jobs report for the U.S. economy was released. It was catastrophic, falling nearly 100,000 jobs below consensus forecasts.

That bleak report, coupled with other disturbing economic news over the last month, caused the stock market to crater. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 225 points on Friday alone, wrapping up a month in which it plummeted 830 points overall (8.2%), leading to renewed talk of a double dip recession.

obama's response? First he blamed it on Bush ("Problems in the job market were long in the making and will not be solved overnight").

Then he held a news conference in which he suggested that, to stimulate the economy, Americans should go out and buy a "thingamajig." (H/T Doug Ross)

"Maybe somebody'll be replacing some... uhm... thingamajig for their... furnace. They been putting that off, but if they got that extra money... they might just go out there and buy that thing... right?"
Following that sage economic prescription, the campaigner-in-chief flew to Chicago for the first of six count 'em six fundraisers.

We wouldn't want running the country to interfere with our reelection campaign, would we?

It should be noted that one of the fundraisers was held at the Chicago home of Marilyn Katz, a long-time obama friend and adviser.

It should also be noted that Katz was a member of the radical SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) in the 1960s, and is pals with radical terrorist Bill Ayers, another obama buddy.

Birds of a feather...

It now appears that Katz, Ayers, and the other radicals from the '60s who wanted to destroy this country have finally found a way to do so.

Re-elect obama and watch America go down the drain...


  1. Tell me what these men all have in common -

    Karl Marx

    V I Lenin

    Mao Tse Dung

    Ho Chi Mhin

    B H Obama

    Take as long as you like.
    Dum de dum dum
    Dum de dum dum
    Dum de dum
    De dum de dum

    Give Up?

    A DREAM!

    The same dream.

  2. Their dream ... our nightmare.
