Thursday, May 17, 2012

She Ain't Heavy - She's My Sista

If I, or any other white male, wrote the following article, I would be accused of racism, sexism, and all other sorts of -isms. But because the author is a black female, and an overweight one at that, she can say things that I can't get away with. And what she says is worth listening to.
Four out of five black women are seriously overweight. One out of four middle-aged black women has diabetes. With $174 billion a year spent on diabetes-related illness in America and obesity quickly overtaking smoking as a cause of cancer deaths, it is past time to try something new.

What we need is a body-culture revolution in black America. Why? Because too many experts who are involved in the discussion of obesity don’t understand something crucial about black women and fat: many black women are fat because we want to be.

The black poet Lucille Clifton’s 1987 poem “Homage to My Hips” begins with the boast, “These hips are big hips.” She establishes big black hips as something a woman would want to have and a man would desire. She wasn’t the first or the only one to reflect this community knowledge. Twenty years before, in 1967, Joe Tex, a black Texan, dominated the radio airwaves across black America with a song he wrote and recorded, “Skinny Legs and All.” One of his lines haunts me to this day: “some man, somewhere who’ll take you baby, skinny legs and all.” For me, it still seems almost an impossibility.
Ah, Joe Tex. I came of age listening to Joe Tex on an AM radio station out of Houston that I could only get at night. He helped introduce me to R&B, soul music, funk, and of course, the blues. Patricia Sue Davenport and I spent many happy hours listening to him in the back seat of my 1962 Rambler station wagon. Memories...

But I digress. Back to the article:
How many white girls in the ’60s grew up praying for fat thighs? I know I did. I asked God to give me big thighs like my dancing teacher, Diane. There was no way I wanted to look like Twiggy, the white model whose boy-like build was the dream of white girls. Not with Joe Tex ringing in my ears.

How many middle-aged white women fear their husbands will find them less attractive if their weight drops to less than 200 pounds? I have yet to meet one.

But I know many black women whose sane, handsome, successful husbands worry when their women start losing weight. My lawyer husband is one.

Another friend, a woman of color who is a tenured professor, told me that her husband, also a tenured professor and of color, begged her not to lose “the sugar down below” when she embarked on a weight-loss program.
I can't argue with the author, because I'm not black. I wasn't raised in the black culture. But if there is that much difference between blacks and whites -- if we men can't even agree on what features we consider attractive in a woman -- then I fear that we'll have great difficulty seeing eye to eye on truly important and complex issues.
And it’s not only aesthetics that make black fat different. It’s politics too. To get a quick introduction to the politics of black fat, I recommend Andrea Elizabeth Shaw’s provocative book “The Embodiment of Disobedience: Fat Black Women’s Unruly Political Bodies.” Ms. Shaw argues that the fat black woman’s body “functions as a site of resistance to both gendered and racialized oppression.” By contextualizing fatness within the African diaspora, she invites us to notice that the fat black woman can be a rounded opposite of the fit black slave, that the fatness of black women has often functioned as both explicit political statement and active political resistance.

I guess one must have a degree in black studies to understand the politics of black fat, because I just flat do not comprehend that last paragraph.

I do agree with the author, however, on the points made in the following paragraphs.
The billions that we are spending to treat diabetes is money that we don’t have for education reform or retirement benefits, and what’s worse, it’s estimated that the total cost of America’s obesity epidemic could reach almost $1 trillion by 2030 if we keep on doing what we have been doing.

WE have to change. Black women especially. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, blacks have 51 percent higher obesity rates than whites do. We’ve got to do better.
Agreed. Thank goodness black women in America have michelle obama and her food police to help them see the light...


  1. Meh- NOTHING I say would be PC, so I'm gonna pass on this one...

  2. "Freedom of Speech"
    Freedom of this and that and something else...

    Freedom (of/to something) is
    not inalienable, there are no inalienable rights, there never has been, there never will be. You don't have something if you don't take it, use it, feed it, care for it, and safeguard it.

    I still think the Soviets or Chinese put something in the water. Really!

    PS: Cavepeople were known for "Doing their own thing". As they became civilized they were known for doing what they thought was the smart thing for the overall benefit of the mob. Then they thought they were so smart that they could go back to "Doing their own thing" and stay civilized. Strange thing happened, it didn't work.

  3. There is currently a documentary series (on liberal-assed HBO) called 'The Weight of the Nation' about all things obesity related. I happened to catch part of one of the episodes and it talked about the impact that obesity is having, and will have, on our nation's workforce. People don't realize that a fit workforce is necessary to our economy, not just in job ability, but health, insurance and accommodation, as well. While I don't think that a white super-model type of body image is healthy, I think that there are too many ethnic groups that go too far in the opposite direction.

    Moochelle plays into the typical 'do as I say, not as I do' trap. She isn't even smart enough to stuff her piehole out of the camera view.
