Monday, May 21, 2012

FOD 2012.05.21

It's been a busy weekend -- lots of cookouts and parties (springtime in Central Texas is a tough time of the year) -- so I'll let someone else do the heavy lifting today.

Obama is our first female president
The current issue of Newsweek has a photo of President Obama with a rainbow-colored halo superimposed over his head and the title “The First Gay President.”

Nonsense. Obama is not the first gay president. He is the first female president.

Consider his activities Monday: He sat down to tape a session with the ladies of ABC’s “The View” — his fourth appearance on the talk show by women and for (mostly) women. He accepted an award from Barnard College and gave the commencement speech to graduates of the women’s school.
Question of the day: He sits like a woman. Does that mean he squats to piss?

Obama was still early in his address when he acknowledged that his praise for the young generation of women is “a cheap applause line when you’re giving a commencement at Barnard.”

But Obama was being modest. He didn’t deliver a cheap applause line. He delivered an entire speech full of them. His re-election campaign has been working for months to exploit the considerable gender gap, which puts him far ahead of likely GOP rival Mitt Romney among women. But Monday’s activities veered into pandering, as Obama brazenly flaunted his feminine mystique.

There were some ironies in the appearance. When the White House asked Barnard for the commencement speaking role, the college dumped its original speaker, Jill Abramson. In addition to being an actual woman, Abramson is the first of her gender to become executive editor of the New York Times.

Barnard President Debora Spar, bestowing a medal on Obama, lauded his support of same-sex marriage and his furthering of “a whole lot smarter world.”
"a whole lot smarter world"

And this person is the president of a prestigious woman's college?

I don't know which is worse. The (alleged) republican war on women, or the patronizing pandering of the democrats...


  1. You know, I think at The View the whoopie guy at the far left of the couch can whoop all their butts in a mud wrestling contest. Maybe they'll do that as a fund raiser; they've gotta' be looking for new ideas by now. (Do they have those wrestling contests with a bull barrel in the middle, where the one that kicks the other one's butt then gets on the barrel bull and rides it to time? Wouldn't you go to a fund raiser at The Five to see O.B. and The Girls if they did? Like I said, I think whoopie guy would kick butt;-)

  2. When the White House asked Barnard for the commencement speaking role

    Is that the way of things? I assumed that numerous universities requested the prez for commencement speaker each year and they would dole out a couple that fit with his schedule, and offer up Moochelle or Biden to other worthy requestors. Since when does the WH have to go looking for a speaking gig for the POTUS? (That is a rhetorical question).

  3. Hi-Heels on Yankee Amazons? No way! Bras? No way! And I don't believe they shave their legs nor under their arms or noses anymore. Let's be honest, today's Type A++ fe (aka Iron) male is not the same as the dainty little lady of yesteryear.

  4. Question of the day: He sits like a woman. Does that mean he squats to piss?

    I think the telling question is why do you want to know?

  5. Harper - good point. I wondered about that as well. I always figured that the White House was deluged with invitations to speak. I never thought they'ed have to go begging for one.

    Pascvaks - Barnard graduates are ladies of refinement. I'm sure the maintain the highest standards of personal grooming.

    sobpol - morbid curiosity...?

    Jeff - help yourself. I stole it from someone else, who probably stole it from someone else, who probably...

  6. I stole it from someone else, who probably stole it from someone else, who probably...

    Without giving credit or even a plug to the one you stole it from? Shame...
