Monday, May 14, 2012

FOD 2012.05.14

Are you better off today than you were four years ago?

If you're like me the answer is not only "No" but "Hell No!!!"
The only person I know who is better off today than he was four years ago is President Obama.

He's making more money, living in a bigger house and playing more golf. And when his wife goes on a shopping spree with her girlfriends, it's to Spain on the taxpayer's dime.

If you asked President Obama if he's better off today, he'd say, "Hell, yeah! And we don't want it to stop!"

Meanwhile, as the president skates through the Great Recession, his failure to get the economy back on track has turned a country known for its optimism and belief in a better future into a nation of pessimists.

According to a recent opinion poll by Scott Rasmussen's company, 63 percent of voters -- liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans -- do not think today's children will be better off than their parents.

That's unbelievable. But what's even more discouraging is that only 16 percent -- 1 in 6 - do think the next generation will be better off.

The percentage believing the next generation will live better than their parents is a record low. As Scott Rasmussen said, people think something is going terribly wrong in America. They're not sure what it is, he said, but they sure don't like it.
I would argue that's not being pessimistic, but rather realistic.
I know what's gone wrong with America -- we've had four years of President Obama's bad ideas and hot air. That's why the 1,000 voters Rasmussen polled see a gloomy future everywhere they look -- the economy, stocks, housing, you name it.

And remember the American Dream? Forget it. Only 32 percent think it's still possible for "just about anyone in America to work hard and get rich."

About the only silver lining to be found in the Rasmussen poll is that 53 percent think it's still possible for anyone in America to work themselves out of poverty.

That's a good thing to believe in, because by the time the Obama administration and his wrecking crew finish turning America into Greece, 53 percent of the country is going to be poor.

This week the Obama reelection campaign released an ad called "We're Coming Back." It's a blatant rip-off of Ronald Reagan's 1984 "Morning in America" ad that pointed out how much stronger, prouder and better America had become during (Ronald Reagan's) first four years.

The Obama ad claims that we're on the road to recovery and says the president is working hard to finish the job he started. It's not supposed to be funny.

But there's one serious problem with the Obama ad -- after four years of his reign of errors things are not getting better. And he has no new ideas, just the same bad Big Government ones he's been pushing -- more taxes, more spending and more regulation.
November can't get here soon enough.


  1. "Oh OBYuan, beware the ides of Kaliforniastan, packeth they bags and maketh away like a thief in the night, thee and thine have been discovered, there ith no place that offers thee soccor save the bosoms in thy father's harem; go OBYuan, go and hideth they shame, no one save thee be as low as the Peanut wert and now thee are the loweth of the low. What a lame brain fool ye were OBYuan, ye hadeth it all and ye pisseth it away like an elephant on a flat rock. Shame on thee, shame on thee and all they generations until the end of time. Ye were a fool!"
