Wednesday, April 18, 2012


A perfect compromise for the controversy over forcing insurance companies to pay for women's contraceptives...

(H/T Curmudgeonly & Skeptical)


  1. Think about it, Planned Parenthood only services democrats. Imagine how long the lines at the polls would be without their sterling support and tireless efforts. Every cloud really does have a silver lining, sometimes. Right?

    I just can't understand why they (the Damnocraps) want all these illegals wandering around taking all the jobs, medical services, and hoods (as in neighborhood).

    Is Jesse Jackass a Mexican?

    Let me get this straight -

    I pay income tax, so that means I'm providing, paying for, 'services' to those who don't pay taxes or work or pay rent or buy their own food and have a credit card that I pay the bills on and now they want me to buy their birth control pills too? Ahhh.. tell me again, slowly, what is it that I get? Ahhh... OK.. ahh.. so if I don't want them to call me names and burn my house down and rape my wife and kill my kids and I want them to buy my ammo, you want me to give them more money so they can buy my ammo and mail it to me via registered mail with return receipt at a higher postage rate because it's 'DANGEROUS' and might break the mailcarrier's toe if she drops it? ahhh.. I'm dreaming right? this IS all a dumb dream... right? tell me I dreaming! SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, TELL ME I'M DREAMING!!!!

    (I don't hear anyone telling me I'm dreaming;-(

  2. Naw - we'll just do it all with vouchers or tax credits.
