Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Then The Democrat Wins

I recently posted about voter fraud and the democrats opposition to any form of a voter ID law.

One alternative might be some sort of current events or civics test that a prospective voter would have to pass before being issued a ballot. You know, sort of a “Don’t let ignorant people vote” proposal.

Is it constitutional? In a word, yes.
The Constitution specifies several factors that cannot be used to deny someone the right to vote—most notably, race (15th Amendment), gender (19th Amendment) and age (26th Amendment). No amendment forbids putting citizens to the test before they can register to vote, so the idea is fair game.
Is it a good idea? IMHO, not only yes, but "Hell Yes!" 

Will it ever happen? Regretfully, probably not.

Why not? The answer is below.


  1. I think that election day should be tax payment day. You show up, pay your taxes and are then allowed to vote. If you don't pay vote.

  2. The Wiz is right! But the Wiz is also wrong, too. Today, he should'a said: "Then the Idiot wins!"

    I've been moving more and more to the Center for many years, I doubt I'll ever get there because it's getting too cold and windy, I'm somewhere near Nashville, TN, at this stage of my life on the scale of Far Right to Far Left. Of course, if ya’ throw Hawaii into the mix, I’m probably closer to Chattanooga. Anyway, I don't believe, or trust, a professional politician of any stripe. While I think 'Damnocrats' are Communists, I think sleazy Goppers have stabbed us in the back on many, many occasions too. Lord, ya jus' can't trust no one with your life, and money, and wife, and kids these days! What's the world coming to? There otta' be a law!

    Nearly forgot.. Time to buy more ammo!;-)

  3. Harper - Great idea! Chances of passage = nil.

    Pascvaks - "I don't believe, or trust, a professional politician of any stripe." Amen!
