Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Funnies 2012.04.15

Went to a crawfish boil last night. I'm not big on eating mudbugs -- at least not the head-sucking part -- so I took advantage of the fact that there was plenty of beer available to wash the little critters down.

Mmmm ... beer ...


To some it's a six-pack, to me it's a Support Group.
 * * * * *
Fill with mingled cream and amber, I will drain that glass again.
Such hilarious visions clamber
Through the chamber of my brain.
Quaintest thoughts, queerest fancies
Come to life and fade away.
What care I how time advances;
I am drinking ale today.
 -- Edgar Allen Poe

 * * * * *
For every wound, a balm. For every sorrow, cheer.
For every storm, a calm. For every thirst, a beer.

A statesman is an easy man, he tells his lies by rote.
A journalist invents his lies, and rams them down your throat.
So stay at home and drink your beer and let the neighbors vote.
 -- William Butler Yeats

 * * * * *
In Vino Veritas. In Cervesio Felicitas
 -- "In wine there is wisdom. In beer there is joy."

 * * * * *

Hey, this blog just oozes class...


  1. Old Wine (and New Beer) is like an Old Song...

    "Once upon a time there was a tavern
    Where we used to raise a glass or two
    Remember how we laughed away the hours
    And think of all the great things we would DO"

    "Those were the days, my friend
    We thought they'd never end
    We'd sing and dance forever and a day
    We'd live the life we choose
    We'd fight and never lose
    For we were young and sure to have our way
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la"

    "Then the busy years went rushing by us
    We lost our starry notions on the way
    If by chance I'd see you in the tavern
    We'd smile at one another and we'd say

    "Those were the days, my friend
    We thought they'd never end
    We'd sing and dance forever and a day
    We'd live the life we choose
    We'd fight and never lose
    Those were the days
    Oh, yes, those were the days
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la

    "Just tonight I stood before the tavern
    Nothing seemed the way it used to be
    In the glass I saw a strange reflection
    Was that lonely woman (fellow;-) really me?

    "Those were the days, my friend
    We thought they'd never end
    We'd sing and dance forever and a day
    We'd live the life we choose
    We'd fight and never lose
    Those were the days
    Oh, yes, those were the days
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la

    "Through the door there came familiar laughter
    I saw your face and heard you call my name
    Oh, my friend, we're older but no wiser
    For in our hearts the dreams are still the same...

    "Those were the days, my friend
    We thought they'd never end
    We'd sing and dance forever and a day
    We'd live the life we choose
    We'd fight and never lose
    Those were the days
    Oh, yes, those were the days
    La la la la la la
    La la la la la la"

    Lyrics from:

  2. That song always makes me feel a little melancholy.

    Then I have another beer and feel better...

  3. Paul and I put a dent in the Shiner supply Saturday. Sunday was not a fun day at softball practice.

  4. Kerrcarto - you mean you don't have a few beers at practice, like Walter Matthau in the Bad news bears...?
