Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rock Paper Scissors River

Sometimes I feel like a rock in the middle of a river. I firmly stand my ground, immovable and resolute.

But over time the river wears me down.

That's a metaphor describing how tired I get of reacting to the seemingly endless barrage of nonsense foolishness assaults on common sense from the left. Peter provides the latest example.
Warwick School Superintendent Peter Horoschak is stepping in after a student mural at Pilgrim High School was deemed inappropriate and painted over because it depicted a man holding the hand of a woman and child.

. . .

The mural was meant to depict the life of a man and it ended with the scene with the man, woman and a child. The student artist, 17-year-old Liz Bierendy, said that she depicted the man and woman as married with wedding rings. According to Horoshack’s press release the scene was painted over because “some of the members of the Pilgrim High School community suggested that the depiction of a young man’s development from boyhood through adulthood as displayed may not represent the life experiences of many of the students at Pilgrim High School.”

According to the release, the assistant principal approached the Bierendy after the concern was raised from the school and “asked her to look at other ways to show the outcome of the subject’s progression to adulthood.”
Has it really come to this? Depicting the traditional family -- a man, a woman, and a child -- is now considered inappropriate, which is just a PC phrase for "it offended someone."

Thankfully, someone in Rhode Island has a modicum of common sense.
When School Superintendent Horoschak learned about the incident, which was first reported on WPRO’s John DePetro’s Show, he contacted the assistant principal at the school and requested that Bierendy be allowed to finish the mural the way she saw fit.
Peter's closing comment:
Would someone please tell me why showing a man and a woman getting married and having a child is somehow objectionable? Would it be less so if they had the child out of wedlock, or if each entered into a gay/lesbian relationship and adopted kids with their same-sex partner(s), or if they had children using artificial insemination and/or host mothers?
My closing comment:

(H/T the Whited Sepulchre for the image.)


  1. Good one, and I agree with teh Fry quote! :-)

  2. The Public School System, oh.. sorry.. the Government School System isn't worth defending anymore. How do you defend the indefenseable? It's gone from the Little Old One Room School House that the village or town hired the teacher for, to a UNION MANAGED STATE AND FEDERAL RELIGION with special priests and nuns and bishops and cardinals and soon they'll name a pope... oh, yes, sorry, they do already have a Secretary and probably a Tzar/Czar too. The transformation is complete! We no longer live in a Republic, now we have a Soviet Socialist Dictatorship. Hummmm.. how and when did that happen Comrades?

  3. NFO - I suspect there are lots of people who agree with that quote. They just don't speak up enough.

    Pascvaks - the Dept. of Education is such a misnomer. They don't educate anyone. All they do is get in the way.
