Friday, April 27, 2012


The last few weeks have been crazy. The semester is nearing an end, which requires an inordinate amount of faculty time. Our kids have been busy with school projects, banquets, athletic districts/regionals (a decidedly mixed blessing), proms, and all that good stuff. I've been running back and forth dealing with problems at our lake house - a 2 hour drive from our Central Texas home, which is a 3 hour drive from where I work, which is ... well, you do the math.

The bottom line is that I haven't been able to devote as much time to this blog as I would like. For example, today's post is stolen borrowed from BMEWS:

I've always been a strong supporter of ABO (Anyone But Obama). Now I'm an equally ardent fan of OMG!

1 comment:

  1. I like it! It's got Zing! Real Zing! But it may be too... ahhhhh... well, you know... too intellectual... too 'think about it'... Americans aren't to bright anymore, that billboard and bumper sticker will probably break 50:50 on votes for and against. Most folks just look at the pictures; not many can read or write anymore;-(
