Saturday, April 7, 2012

I'm Tired Of All This Racial Crap

All you liberals who think anyone that doesn't like obama is a racist - check this out and then STFU!

(H/T The Looking Spoon)

1 comment:

  1. My Old Man once thumped me on the head in the middle of one of his father-son speeches for no apparent reason a'tall. I said "OOOOOh! What did I do?" and he came back at me with this little ditty that I've never forgotten, I think it had a little to do with the pain I was feeling at the time that helped me remember so well - "The eyes are the window to the soul," he said, "and you better not ever call me an SOB again!" Well, that little incident so many, many years ago, and these little pictures are the reason I see nothing redeeming in any of the idiots above. I see in their eyes something far worse than my Old Man saw in my eyes. I see utter contempt and hate by them for us. I see the dark side of the Force, the very dark side of the Force in all three of them. Through their eyes.
