Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Tax Day

We laugh to keep from crying...

(click to embiggen)


  1. Suddenly a loud voice rang out across the country, everyone could hear it as plain as day.

    "Hay Stupid! Yes, you! If you want to pay less taxes next year and keep more of your own money and put the IRS out of business, all you have to do is VOTE! It's that simple!"

    There was a pause, and gradually everyone in the country started murmuring to themselves and those around them. Then, again, the loud voice came out of nowhere as it had a moment ago.

    "Hay Stupid! Yes You! Do I need to tell you that the most important votes are for Members of Congress? The President just does what Congress says, did you know that?"

    Again, everyone began to murmur to and amongst themselves. Everyone thought and asked the same question, who was he talking to?

    Then the voice spoke one more time to everyone across the great country.

    "Hay Stupid! I'm talking to ALL of you! What a country! 300 Million Bozos and 50 million Illegals! Why do I try? Why do I try!"

    The voice stopped, never to say another word. The people talked about it for days. The MSM said FoxNews did it. Fox thought it was a DNC trick to confuse people before the election. All the illegals thought it was the FBI, the BorderPatrol, and the Drug Cartel Buros demanding more kickback money. Know one ever thought for a second that it was a message from Heaven.

  2. PS: "Know" what I mean? How about "No one ever thought..." Mae Culpa!;-)

  3. Sigh... I do remember that Bloom County one!

  4. NFO - ah yes, Bloom County was one of the better comic strips of our day. I have many fond memories from back then...
